Why is it rare to see pilots with beards?

It's a fact that we rarely see pilots with beards, especially when they are on duty. The reason behind contains important factors related to flight safety and health.

It's a fact that we rarely see pilots with beards, especially when they are on duty. The reason behind contains important factors related to flight safety and health.

Airlines always promote their professional image and safety to their passengers. Pilots with beards, especially beards and thick beards, can create an untidy impression, affecting the overall image of the pilot and the airline.

Picture 1 of Why is it rare to see pilots with beards?

Although Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) policy does not require pilots to be clean-shaven, some major airlines often have strict policies on this to ensure safety. For example, American Airlines requires its pilots to be clean-shaven before flying.

The aviation industry's top priority is flight safety. In an emergency such as loss of cabin pressure or a fire or explosion, to ensure oxygen supply for yourself and to continue operating the aircraft, the pilot needs to use an oxygen mask. When wearing a mask, having a beard or a thick beard can prevent the mask from being worn tightly, leading to oxygen leakage, endangering the pilot's ability to handle situations and affecting his or her life. their.

One of the studies showed that passengers with beards while wearing oxygen masks had oxygen leakage ranging from 16 to 67%.

The aircraft cockpit is where many electrical and fuel equipment are concentrated, so there is a high risk of fire. Beards, especially beards and long beards, are more flammable than hair, so in the event of a fire, they can create a potential danger. Shaving helps reduce this risk.

Picture 2 of Why is it rare to see pilots with beards?

However, some airlines also allow pilots to have beards if they are neatly trimmed and do not obscure their faces. Air Canada allows male pilots to have short beards, no more than 1cm.

In some special cases such as religious reasons, pilots can be licensed to grow a beard but must meet the requirements for beard length and style and ensure it does not affect flight safety.

Update 14 June 2024


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