Why can a dot help remove YouTube ads and paywall?

This trick is also applicable to many websites that often hide content in the form of paywalls, requiring users to pay to read on.

Although knowing that advertising is one of the main sources of revenue for service providers, it is still something that makes us feel uncomfortable, disrupting the service experience. If you are a person who hates advertising on YouTube and paywall on content websites, you can use the following tips to block them without having to use third-party extensions or try any method. Any other complication.

Accordingly, a Reddit user with the nickname "u / unicorn4sale" has found a simple trick to block ads on YouTube and even ignore paywall requests (fee for viewing content). Very simple, all you need to do is put an extra dot after ".com" and the site will automatically block ads. For example, you are accessing content with the address "www.youtube.com/xyz", if you want to block ads, you will need to change it to "www.youtube.com./xyz.". In addition, this trick can also be applied to many websites that often hide content in the form of paywalls, requiring users to pay to read on.

Picture 1 of Why can a dot help remove YouTube ads and paywall?

Why can only one small dot bring such 'mighty' power? This is related to the hostname. When you put a dot at the end of the URL, it will cause the hostname to not match, thereby leading to the phenomenon of the main content of the site is still loading as normal, but additional features such as ads and cookies will 'broken', failed to load. This can be considered a flaw and, as explained by the nickname u / unicorn4sale, website administrators can completely fix it by normalizing the hostname by using "another domain to serve ads." report / medium with no whitelist, '.

This tip is only applicable on desktop versions of YouTube as well as websites. There is no way to bypass ads or paywall on mobile apps. Please note that YouTube content creators' revenue generally comes from advertising, meaning that when ads are blocked, their earnings will be affected. If you want an ad-free experience and still support content creators, consider switching to YouTube Premium.

Update 15 June 2020


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