Why are 'C' students the most successful people in the world?

Why are C-graders the most successful in the world? Let's find out in the article below!

There is a general idea that if you study hard and graduate with a "good diploma", this will ensure you have a great and well-paid job. Unfortunately, reality is completely different.

Although most positions require you to apply for a job, no employer will see what kind of diploma you have.When you graduate, the only important thing is whether you can use your knowledge and skills at work.

Picture 1 of Why are 'C' students the most successful people in the world?

So why do students who don't even get a "C" grade at the end of the semester succeed?Learn 7 reasons why students "C" are the most successful people in the world!

1. They understand what they really need sooner than others

Students with "C" points do not spend too much time on unnecessary classes at school. If you are trying to become a technician, then obviously you do not need to write a few hundred annoying cultural essays and experience your summer vacation.

Picture 2 of Why are 'C' students the most successful people in the world?

They will not attend unnecessary classes to focus on career-related subjects that will help with future work.Steve Jobs - the founder and entrepreneur of the world famous, has not completed university but brought Apple to become a leading company in the field of information technology because he focused on doing what he likes.

In his famous speech at the graduation ceremony at Stanford University, Steve Jobs emphasized that:

" The only way to succeed is to love what you do. Keep looking, don't stop. "

2. They have practical experience

Picture 3 of Why are 'C' students the most successful people in the world?

Most students who score "C" start working earlier than their friends, their grades are lower because they do not attend classes but start earning a living. At the same time, they gain invaluable experience that all "A +" students miss. And we all know that you will be less likely to be admitted to the company without practical experience .

  1. 13 signs that you are "wasting" time in vain

3. They build relationships

Picture 4 of Why are 'C' students the most successful people in the world?

While students "A" are stuck in learning unnecessary subjects, "C" students read tons of useful materials and communicate with dozens of people every day. In real life, getting to know people who are capable and communicative can make a difference in your career.

4. They know how to enjoy life

Picture 5 of Why are 'C' students the most successful people in the world?

During college, these students attend parties and often go out with friends around. That is how they are enjoying their lives.

Happy people are more likely to succeed than those who always feel unhappy. That's natural, because when they are happy, that happiness also spreads to those around them, a great skill that employers want to have in their employees.

If you are a negative person, always in a stressful state, no matter how smart you are, you will never be among the brightest candidates.

5. They know how to find the simplest solutions

Picture 6 of Why are 'C' students the most successful people in the world?

Computer expert, billionaire Bill Gates is one of the extremely successful people, but nothing special with grades at the university. However, he is very talented in managing to achieve the pinnacle by building Microsoft, one of the giant IT corporations.

Bill Gates is very open and unlike many others, he never looks at people's scores or qualifications to evaluate. It is important not to think in a way, think positively.

One of Bill Gates' famous quotes is:

' I choose lazy people to do difficult things. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it . '

6. They dare to pursue their own dreams

Picture 7 of Why are 'C' students the most successful people in the world?

A lot of people have succeeded in starting from the love of their work. When entering the university gate, you are very young and often do not understand what you really need.

It is important to understand that you will not be forced to listen to your parents' choices when choosing a university - when you are 18 years old, it will be unfortunate if your parents still replace you, choose a university .

Look at the example of the youngest female billionaire Elizabeth Holmes - who created revolution in medicine. She left her studies at Stanford University to pursue her dream.

Or another great example that everyone knows is Richard Branson - Elizabeth's husband, celebrity love, also dropped out of school at the age of 15, and is now managing at a giant airline company called " Virgin ".

7. They know what to fight

Picture 8 of Why are 'C' students the most successful people in the world?

Success requires intelligence, emotion, perseverance, passion and, most importantly, the ability to overcome failure.

In business as well as in life, you will experience many ups and downs no matter which school you study. Students scoring "C" are more successful because they know what to fight, starting by passing the exam and ending with making money to start their business.

In the end, the score is just a number . Real achievement is how to become a person in the real world. And if you graduate from college with a lower score, don't be disappointed.

Real life and practical lessons will appear when you leave school.

See also: Smart people who are not naturally born are smart but they must work hard to achieve it

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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