Only extremely intelligent people often encounter these problems
Many of us often impose a thought that smart people are often immune to problems in this world. However, it's not like that, smart people are human, and they still face problems as usual, but the problems they encounter are slightly different than ordinary people. There are problems with us that are simple, but for smart people it is extremely complicated.
So see what intelligent people often get into life?
1. Chatting also makes them feel tired
Only extremely intelligent people often encounter these problems Picture 1
For us, ordinary people are very interested in gossip, jokes at the recess with friends, on the contrary, smart people are often not interested in these stories. Smart people often have different brain development, so they always have new and profound problems in their mind and they just want to share with those who think like them.
Ordinary people always prefer bullshit topics like adultery husbandry, cosmetics, fashion . but for smart people their favorite problem is often related to science, art, psychology . It is this contradiction that makes them rarely enjoy participating in gossip.
Chatting on the wrong topic, my forte makes smart people almost fall into deadlock, they don't know what to say.
2. Smart people always think more than say
Only extremely intelligent people often encounter these problems Picture 2
Always looking for new problems to find the most satisfactory answer, smart people take longer than usual to think of a certain point or conclusion. If there is no satisfactory answer or a reasonable answer, they will not say anything.
It is this way of life that makes people around think that smart people are weird and confusing, with no interest.
3. Too simple work makes smart people boring
Only extremely intelligent people often encounter these problems Picture 3
For ordinary people, when assigned a difficult and complex problem often feels very uncomfortable and does not want to do, they just like simple things that do not have to think much. In contrast to smart people, they like difficulties and challenges in their work and life, because they have radical thinking mistakes and always want to refresh themselves and find new things. As for simple jobs, they are not very interested, do not like repetitive jobs.
There are many smart people who encounter these problems, although the work is not complicated, but because they feel bored, their thoughts go into the path. Leaders who do not know this issue well will think this is a lazy action, not a good job. But that is the nature of an intelligent person, so it is difficult to change them.
4. Smart people tend to delay many actions
Only extremely intelligent people often encounter these problems Picture 4
Wanting to exist in modern society, each of us needs to move constantly. The present society always directs people to more physical activities than the brain. For smart people, they like to think more than actions, different ideas and then cannot get commensurate or they have not decided how to act best.
It is this that makes smart people judged to be lazy, refusing to do anything.
5. Smart people often communicate very poorly
Only extremely intelligent people often encounter these problems Picture 5
As mentioned above, the intelligence is almost uninterested in the key stories of ordinary people, so they have less communication with the people around, resulting in their communication being poor.
Poor communication of smart people only happens with people who are not like-minded, thinking. As for those who 'get involved' with them, communication is always easy.
6. Smart people are difficult to love someone else
Only extremely intelligent people often encounter these problems Picture 6
It is the lack of communication with people around them that makes their lives lonely, making them very few friends, let alone being lovers. When meeting a stranger, they will ask intellectual questions and have a bit of 'abundance' to determine if the other person is worthy to make friends. Even people with common habits, hobbies and potential to become close friends do not prove their intelligence will not become friends. The smart person is drawn with a cool, somewhat arrogant appearance. In addition, smart people often like to be alone and think about new issues, so they no longer want to spend more time on other activities such as playing, making friends, and then their interest in love no longer exists.
Suppose if they find a person for themselves, this relationship is also difficult to endure if their other half does things of a normal person, things that smart people don't want to touch.
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