Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Choosing between ChatGPT and Google Gemini is not easy, especially since GPT-4 and Gemini Advanced (high-end large language models that power AI chatbots) perform similarly in some areas .

ChatGPT and Google Gemini are very capable AI chatbots with outstanding text, code, and image generation capabilities. The free version does the basic tasks well, but the paid version has even more features.

However, choosing between ChatGPT and Google Gemini is not easy, especially since GPT-4 and Gemini Advanced (high-end large language models that power AI chatbots) perform similarly in a number of fields.

Let's compare ChatGPT Plus and Google Gemini Advanced to see how they differ!

User interface

Both have similar user interfaces, using a conversational style. Both basic and advanced users will find the interface easy to use and functional, and there are notable similarities between them.

Picture 1 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 2 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

However, the conversation style is different. ChatGPT outputs one word at a time, while Gemini outputs one line at a time. Hopefully there will be a configuration setting for this export option in the future. For now, this cannot be changed.

Picture 3 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 4 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

If you are not satisfied with the output and want your question answered differently, you can ask ChatGPT to regenerate the output ( Regenerate ). Gemini creates several drafts in advance for easy selection.

Picture 5 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 6 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

In addition, Gemini includes a number of additional built-in controls for detailed control over the output. You can choose short, long, casual or more professional answers. Gemini will adjust the settings and produce the appropriate output.

Picture 7 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Users can query both sources of information presented. ChatGPT will display the source at the end of each paragraph, while Gemini will display the source of information immediately after each sentence. This practice is a great way to give credit to the original author of the content.

Picture 8 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 9 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Although both interfaces are similar, the additional features give Gemini a slight edge over ChatGPT. So Gemini wins this round 2-1.

How well can ChatGPT 4 and Gemini Advanced answer questions?

To answer a question well, GPT needs to understand the question, why it was created, and construct the output. If you don't meet all three, you won't get the right output.

Create a website summary

The author of the article asked both chatbots to summarize a page on Wikipedia, because both ChatGPT and Gemini can access external URLs and text summarization is a strong point of both. In both cases, the summary is correct.

Picture 10 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 11 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Image summary

When asked to summarize an image, both expressed an inability to fetch the image over the Internet.

Picture 12 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 13 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

When the same image is uploaded as a file, both do a great job at identifying every detail of the image.

Picture 14 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 15 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Optical character recognition

Previous testing shows that text can be extracted from images. But how will both perform when presented with text of different sizes and colors?

Picture 16 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 17 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 18 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 19 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Both chatbots started out quite well. But in the end, ChatGPT produced very accurate output while Gemini gave up halfway. Clearly Gemini Advanced has lost a point here.

Can ChatGPT 4 & Gemini Advanced summarize videos?

Just like the images, can you summarize the video? There are no regulations for uploading videos to ChatGPT. When trying to add a video link, the app said it couldn't provide a transcript of the live YouTube video. However, ChatGPT has a third-party GPT library, with tools like Full Video Transcript GPT that can be used to create perfect transcripts.

Picture 20 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 21 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 22 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

On the other hand, YouTube is considered Gemini's home turf and it has a YouTube-specific plugin. But again, it sidesteps the task and starts summarizing the video instead of providing a full-text transcript. Gemini needs to complete his answer before showing off his summarizing skills.

Picture 23 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

However, this is just a YouTube video. Gemini cannot get videos from other online video services.

Picture 24 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 25 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

To learn more deeply about GPT's understanding of video content, the author asked a specific question and its timeline. ChatGPT had the wrong time stamp but answered the question correctly. Gemini couldn't find the answer in the video, so ChatGPT scored another point.

Picture 26 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 27 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Compare mobile apps

The mobile phone, with its built-in camera and microphone, allows for advanced functions in each chatbot's respective application. The author of the article is using a Google Pixel phone for these tests.

Image recognition

To test the capabilities of the ChatGPT and Gemini Advanced mobile applications, the author used a headphone and began asking questions of each application. First, why do headphones have a USB port instead of a regular 3.5mm jack? Both explained it quite clearly and when asked how to connect them to the phone to play sound, both answered correctly.

Picture 28 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 29 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 30 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 31 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

When asked to identify the headphones, Gemini gave an answer. Furthermore, it provides purchase links for the product. Gemini 2-1.

Picture 32 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 33 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 34 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Voice recognition

An important feature of the mobile app is voice recognition. ChatGPT listens until you pause then converts it to text and the output is very accurate.

Picture 35 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 36 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 37 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Google has mastered this aspect, and Gemini Advanced's voice recognition is direct, seamless, and accurate.

Picture 38 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 39 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 40 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

ChatGPT has built-in voice conversation feature. It can speak and translate into the required language. +1 for ChatGPT.

Picture 41 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 42 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Calculation and reasoning

The ideal use of GPT is to solve complex problems. Provide tons of data and it can give answers at lightning speed. So the best way to test ChatGPT Plus and Gemini Advanced is to let them take matters into their own hands?

A simple math question

Question asked for both tools: "Some students plan to go on a field trip. The budget for food is $24. Since 4 students did not participate, the food cost per student increases." 1 dollar. So how many students attended the picnic?".

Picture 43 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 44 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 45 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Both ChatGPT 4 and Gemini Advanced answer 12, which is wrong. It's simple logic. If 12 people spend $2 each, they will pay $24. If 4 people do not participate, the remaining 8 people will spend an additional $1, meaning each person must pay $3. Therefore, 8 is the correct answer.

ChatGPT used Python code to give answers and Gemini used equations. In mathematics, precision is key. Neither of them got it right, so the score was 0-0.

It is worth noting that Gemini came up with answer 8 in a draft. So it calculated and came up with another answer, but didn't check the main answer again.

ChatGPT 4 Turbo

ChatGPT has released the new GPT-4 Turbo. It claims to be better at calculations, and it's true.

Picture 46 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 47 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Difficult question

What about a difficult question? The question was about birds perching on wires and the author wanted to test the ability to evaluate real-world impacts. ChatGPT answered correctly, while Gemini merely gave a mechanical calculation.

Picture 48 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 49 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?


Next, the author gave both chatbots the data and asked them to draw a graph. Both ChatGPT and Gemini have accurate graphing capabilities. Gemini has a number of pre-made customization options to change the chart style. You can also do the same with ChatGPT, through creating a prompt.

Picture 50 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 51 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 52 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?


Programming is the strong point of AI, and turning ordinary people's ideas into reality is a top-notch process. When asked to write code to delay text input, both ChatGPT and Gemini Advanced did a great job. It took a few more times of customizing the code to suit the purpose but it finally worked. Each tool receives one point for this aspect.

Picture 53 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 54 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Write creative content

The author asked both tools to write a 100-word story. Most GPT and AI tools are good at writing creative stories, and both are good at this task.

Picture 55 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 56 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Create images

GPT's image creation capabilities are improving all the time. The output looks more realistic than the cartoon images of previous versions. ChatGPT now has an editing tool, which allows selecting an area of ​​interest in the generated image and modifying it using a prompt.

Picture 57 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 58 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 59 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Gemini, on the other hand, has no such tools and creates a completely new set of images. The score is 2-1 in favor of ChatGPT in this aspect.

Picture 60 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 61 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Prices and restrictions

Both ChatGPT Plus and Google Gemini cost $20/month. ChatGPT has a limit of 40 messages every 3 hours, while Gemini allows up to 50 messages. One more point here for Gemini.

Picture 62 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 63 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 64 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

ChatGPT allows users to create custom GPTs, opening up scope for improving what OpenAI has already built. For example, ChatGPT can play games but there are also many games in the GPT Store. In contrast, Gemini has a limited number of extensions, mainly to other Google products. ChatGPT scores points here.

Picture 65 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?
Picture 66 of Which is better Gemini Advanced or ChatGPT Plus?

Is ChatGPT Plus or Gemini Advanced better? Which one should I choose?

Summing everything up, we have the final score:


ChatGPT 4

Gemini Advanced

User interface



Site summary



Image summary






Create video transcripts



Identify objects



Voice recognition



Voice chat



Do simple math



Difficult question



Draw a graph






Write creative content



Create images






Message limit






total score



From the results, ChatGPT wins, but Gemini is not too far behind. However, if you have to choose, use ChatGPT Plus.

Update 23 April 2024


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