Where is the origin of blowing candles in your birthday?

The birthday organizer will blow out the candles in the hope that the Moon god will bring them the best. Because it is believed that in lit candles contain a mysterious power and when the candles are blown out, all wishes will come true.

For each person, blowing candles on cakes with friends and relatives on your birthday is an indispensable procedure. But not everyone knows the origin and the true meaning of burning and blowing candles on our birthday.

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Picture 1 of Where is the origin of blowing candles in your birthday?

In ancient times, when the concept of birthdays was not available, the day when each person was born was just as normal as any other day.

But in ancient times, the aristocracy began to have a habit of paying attention to their birthdays, so birthdays were more noticeable. As for ordinary people, their birthdays still serve only astrological purposes.

According to the documents kept, the practice of blowing candles on the birthday cake originated from ancient Greece. In those days, the ancient Greeks were very devoted to Artemis - the Moon goddess and each year had to celebrate her birthday.

Picture 2 of Where is the origin of blowing candles in your birthday?

They make a cake from eggs, flour, honey. After completion, they plugged a lot of lit candles on the cake to show their devotion to the Moon goddess because she believed that the light of these candles symbolized the shimmer of the Face. moon.

Later, the ancient Greeks also used to make such cakes on their children's birthdays and put small candles on it. The birthday organizer will blow out the candles in the hope that the Moon god will bring them the best. Because it is believed that in lit candles contain a mysterious power and when the candles are blown out, all wishes will come true.

Just like that, the practice of blowing candles on cakes on birthday is circulated to this day and becomes popular in many countries around the world.

Update 24 May 2019


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