What is the IMAX format?

If you have been to an IMAX theater or watched a movie in IMAX format, you will definitely feel the difference it brings in comparison to traditional movie shows. That shows us the magnitude of IMAX technology - the world's greatest film projection technology today. So what is the IMAX format that gives such excellent quality, let us learn through this article.

If you have been to an IMAX theater or watched a movie in IMAX format, you will definitely feel the difference it brings in comparison to traditional movie shows. That shows us the "crisis" of IMAX technology - the world's greatest film projection technology today. So what is the IMAX format that gives such excellent quality, let us learn through this article.

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1. What is IMAX?

IMAX (short for Image MAXimum) is a production standard and movie presentation invented by IMAX - Canada. Simply understood, this is a technological solution from filming, presentation, sound for overall quality that is superior to conventional solutions. Specifically:

Movie projection system:

Thanks to the use of a special movie projection system, IMAX delivers clear, lifelike images (60% brighter and 30% higher contrast than standard cinemas). Moreover, because viewers are closer to the screen, the image must be sharper, not to mention the larger screen.

Picture 1 of What is the IMAX format?

Sound system:

Laser-calibrated, the powerful IMAX sound system, the speakers distribute the sound evenly across the theater room, creating more resonant space than standard theaters. Since then, IMAX offers an optimal listening environment and so accurate results that viewers can hear a nail falling into the room and know exactly where it falls.


The obvious difference in an IMAX theater compared to traditional theaters is that the screen is bigger, wider, taller and more curved, so the image is not affected by the audience's sitting position. Materials for screen making are also different, better reflexes and brighter. IMAX's design of this cinema in its own way allows the audience to immerse themselves in the film and have the opportunity to experience more eye-catching visual effects.

Picture 2 of What is the IMAX format?

Camera quality:

Movies formatted in IMAX will outperform regular movies because of the "stretch" with a large resolution. If current plastic films are often shot with 35-mm film format and 6K (horizontal) resolution, IMAX technology uses up to 70-mm film format, which can give images with 18K resolution.

Segments recorded by IMAX cameras will expand to cover the entire screen, allowing viewers to see more images than usual by about 40% with sharpness. In addition, the increased frame rate is also a highlight. Movies shot with the IMAX have 48 frames per second, instead of the traditional 24 frames per second, increasing the 'smoothness', the 'smoothness' of images and details to the maximum.

Picture 3 of What is the IMAX format?

2. IMAX formats

There are many different IMAX formats, including GT, SR, MPX and Digital. IMAX theaters tend to be smaller, the first GT launched in 1970 is the largest, SR launched in 1998 is smaller, MPX 2004 is a bit smaller and finally Digital - The smallest type is also the most popular type. The current.

IMAX standards are also available in many versions and are now popular with:

  1. IMAX dome (IMAX dome): The largest IMAX theater, this theater has a spherical screen, covering the entire theater and its diameter can be up to 30m.
  2. IMAX theater theater: Some of these IMAX theaters you can see already are IMAX Krungsri Thailand and IMAX Mall Of Asia in the Philippines, with a screen height of about 30m.
  3. IMAX Digital Cinema: Smallest IMAX theater. It is small but its screen is 22m x 16m high.

Picture 4 of What is the IMAX format?

3. The most advanced IMAX technologies available today

IMAX technology is constantly evolving, so far there have been many new enhancements that enhance the viewer experience. And one of the things that makes it so interesting is:

  1. Dome projection technology (Dome): Allows images to surround the viewer's view.
  2. 3D technology: IMAX incorporates polarized and shutter LCD glasses to show vivid 3D movies.
  3. High-end audio system: IMAX uses a 6-channel sound system, in some cinemas you can also wear headphones with 2 special audio channels.
  4. Digital Remastering: IMAX DMR converts the 35 mm format to digital with high resolution, then splits the important elements in the image to create quality and clearer original images.
  5. 48 frames per second: Double the standard frame and significantly increase the image detail.

Picture 5 of What is the IMAX format?

Above is all you need to know about IMAX cinema technology, with the rise of IMAX theaters around the world as well as the audience's IMAX experience, can predict new series under the heading. IMAX format will be released in the coming years.

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Update 26 May 2019


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