What is the best time to eat meals during the day?

The selection of food and meal schedule is also quite important. Your body also needs time to digest food and absorb nutrients. So you should give yourself a specific time frame so your body can absorb food better.

The selection of food and meal schedule is also quite important. Your body also needs time to digest food and absorb nutrients. So you should give yourself a specific time frame so your body can absorb food better.

Most of us eat wrong meals because of busy schedules, and that's why the body doesn't absorb nutrients or cause appetite, etc., leading to the risk of obesity, weight gain. , belly fat, . So right now, give yourself the habit of eating on time and at the right time to keep your body healthy.

1. Breakfast

Picture 1 of What is the best time to eat meals during the day?

The ideal time for breakfast is between 7-8 am. Why is that? Your body has had a 'long vacation' after dinner is over, so you need to provide the body with energy to start the day.

If you wake up after 8 hours?

Picture 2 of What is the best time to eat meals during the day?

Make sure your breakfast ends before 10 am.

If breakfast after 10 hours will affect your level of appetite at lunch time. This will make you feel hungry after 3 pm, stimulating you will eat more. So the cause, the root of every problem originates from breakfast.

How to calculate the ideal meal time?

Picture 3 of What is the best time to eat meals during the day?

With breakfast, always remember this immutable rule: The first meal should be eaten after about 30 minutes when you wake up.

2. Lunch

A reasonable time for lunch is from 12:30 to 2 pm. In fact, 1 pm is the best time for lunch.

Picture 4 of What is the best time to eat meals during the day?

What to do if you have lunch later?

If lunch is later than the ideal time, make sure your lunch must be finished before 4pm. If you don't eat lunch on time, your stomach can "scream" non-stop and you will feel frustrated and tired for no reason.

Picture 5 of What is the best time to eat meals during the day?

Ideal time for lunch

The best time to eat lunch during the day is after 4 hours, after you finish breakfast. Certainly the gap between breakfast and lunch must be 4 hours and not more.

Picture 6 of What is the best time to eat meals during the day?

3. Dinner

Give yourself the healthiest habit, the best for your health is to finish dinner at 6:30 pm. And the most reasonable time frame for dinner is from 6 to 9 pm.

Picture 7 of What is the best time to eat meals during the day?

No matter how busy the job is, remember a rule that ends dinner before 10 pm, and says no to junk food because it can cause your weight loss plan to break.

Tips for dinner

The ideal time frame to avoid weight gain is to eat dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime. If you usually sleep at 10 pm, make sure your dinner ends before 7 o'clock.

Picture 8 of What is the best time to eat meals during the day?

Refer to some of the following articles:

  1. What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays?
  1. When you feel stressed, eat these foods
  1. 7 kinds of fruit juices help you to have bright and smooth white skin

Wish you have moments of fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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