What is Link NoFollow? What is doFollow?

For those who make content or SEO, creating and placing links - links are very important. And we will often see there are 2 properties in the link tag, which are DoFollow and NoFollow. So what are those 2 cards? What is the function? How to use it?

For those who make content or SEO, creating and placing links - links are very important. And we will also often see two properties in the link tag, that is:

  1. DoFollow
  2. NoFollow

In the article below, please join TipsMake.com to learn about the 2 concepts above.

1. What is NoFollow?

Understand briefly, when we set the rel = 'nofollow' attribute in the tag, then Google's Spider scan will not calculate links, backlinks from other websites to your site, and so does affect Pagerank. And rel = DoFollow is the exact opposite.

Explore more:

  1. What is rel = canonical?
  2. Long Tail Keyword and how to search.

2. What is DoFollow?

As mentioned above, NoFollow will block Google's Spider scans when placing links from your website to other sites, while DoFollow is the opposite. That is, when placing rel = 'dofollow' in the tag, Google will calculate the ranking of your website when placing links to other pages. And of course, this will affect Pagerank in two ways:

  1. If you set a backlink to a website with good pagerank, your website will also be appreciated by Google.
  2. And vice versa, if you accidentally or do not check that backlink to bad websites, containing malicious code . then gradually your site will be removed by Google.

3. What are the main effects of NoFollow and DoFollow?

As above, we mentioned through the use of backlinks in the form of NoFollow and DoFollow, and we just need to remember that:

  1. Using the NoFollow tag when you just want to, more accurately navigate Google content scans that ignore unnecessary, insecure links to focus on the internal part of the website.
  2. Use the DoFollow tag in the opposite case.

Good luck!

Update 25 May 2019


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