What is Hz? Difference between 50Hz and 60Hz

Are you wondering what Hz is? What is the difference between 50Hz and 60Hz current? In the following article, Huy Khang will help you find the most accurate answer.

When choosing to buy household electrical equipment and industrial electrical equipment, people often mention the Hz frequency. So what is Hz? How are 50Hz and 60Hz currents different? To answer this question, please join TipsMake to find out the article below.

What is Hz?

Hz is a unit used to measure the frequency of electric current . Understanding the basic concept, frequency is a phenomenon that repeats over a specific unit of time.

The unit of frequency Hz is short for Hertz and is read as Hertz . This name is named after the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

Picture 1 of What is Hz? Difference between 50Hz and 60Hz

Current frequency is calculated by the number of times the old state of alternating current repeats based on a specified time unit in 1 second, denoted F. The Hz unit is also used to measure audio signals. bar, screen scanning,. 

Some concepts of frequency (Hz)

In everyday life, you will sometimes hear some concepts such as: Sound frequency, light frequency, screen scanning frequency and electric current frequency. To better understand these concepts, please refer to the following:

1. Audio frequency 

Audio frequency symbol is AF . This is a mechanical vibration wave at a frequency level that humans can hear in the environment. The range of sound frequencies that humans can hear usually ranges from 20 - 20,000Hz

Picture 2 of What is Hz? Difference between 50Hz and 60Hz

The following are audio frequency descriptions:

  1. 16 – 32Hz : Is the frequency range that humans can only feel but not hear.
  2. 32 – 512Hz : The range of frequencies humans can hear in low, deep male voices.
  3. 512 – 2048Hz : Is the frequency that people can only hear clearly when talking to each other.
  4. 2048 – 8192Hz : Humans can hear all sounds and words.
  5. 8192 – 16384Hz : This is the sound frequency range that causes harshness and discomfort.
  6. 16384 – 32768Hz : Frequency above the human hearing threshold.

Light frequency 

Light frequencies include electric and magnetic fields that fluctuate in space. Based on color, wave frequency and light will be determined.

Microwave electromagnetic waves, infrared radiation waves and radio waves are common wave forms in everyday life.

2. Screen scanning frequency 

This is one of the Hz frequency concepts commonly used in life. Screen scanning frequency is also known as refresh rate

Understanding the basic concept, scanning frequency is the number of images displayed in 1 second that humans will be able to see. The higher the scanning frequency, the smoother and clearer the image will be. 

Picture 3 of What is Hz? Difference between 50Hz and 60Hz

3. Current frequency

The frequency of direct current is a straight line with unchanging intensity and going in a certain direction. 

Direct current is used in batteries, batteries used to start cars or lighting,.

The alternating current frequency is a sinusoidal graph that moves symmetrically together with half the cycle negative and the other half positive.

Alternating current is widely used in washing machines, air conditioners, refrigerators, water heaters, televisions, etc.

Compare 50Hz and 60Hz current 

There are many current frequencies, but 50Hz and 60Hz are two commonly used currents in electronic devices today. Below is the analysis to clearly show the differences between 50Hz and 60Hz current:

1. What is 50Hz current? 

The frequency of 50Hz is the repetition of electric current with a cycle of 1/50 second . This means that every 1/50 second, the current will return to its previous state. 

You will often encounter 50Hz current in electronic devices such as refrigerators, washing machines, light bulbs, rice cookers, electric kettles, etc. The frequency symbol of this current on electronic devices is 110V. -50Hz and 220V-50Hz.

Picture 4 of What is Hz? Difference between 50Hz and 60Hz

2. What is 60Hz current? 

The frequency of 60Hz is the repetition of electric current with a cycle of 1/60 second . It can be understood that every 1/60 second the current will return to the previous state. 60Hz current has a faster return speed to the initial alternating current point than 50Hz.

Next, TipsMake will reveal the answer to the question of the difference between 50Hz and 60Hz current.

Difference between 50Hz and 60Hz

There are two differences between 50HZ and 60HZ current frequency:

The first is the difference in frequency repetition phenomenon. For electrical protection devices using 50Hz frequency, the relays will operate slower than with 60Hz current.

For example: At a current intensity of 60Hz , the cutter can operate at a cutting speed of 300m/s . But with a current intensity of 50Hz, the lawn mower will operate about 250m/s slower.

The second difference is in transmission capacity. In 1 second, the 50Hz frequency has a smaller effective current value than the 50Hz frequency. This has led to a difference in the shaft end torque of these two currents.

Picture 5 of What is Hz? Difference between 50Hz and 60Hz

Why do Vietnamese people prefer to use 50Hz current?

On the Google search engine, users don't just search for the keyword " What is HZ" . Besides, I wonder why Vietnamese people like to use 50HZ electric current. In Vietnam, 50Hz is a commonly used current. Because of the following 5 reasons:

  1. If a high frequency current of 60Hz is used, the electrical equipment must have high insulation and the cost of insulation is currently quite high. 
  2. In power transmission, 60Hz current will cost more wire than 50Hz. On the other hand, in terms of voltage safety, 60Hz has the advantage but does not use a ground wire.
  3. Most countries in the world today use 50Hz electricity. Therefore, the import and export of electrical equipment will be easier and more convenient.
  4. In addition, using 60Hz current requires motors and generators to operate faster. Therefore, the friction force and centrifugal force calculation are also higher, which costs more for the design.
  5. Besides, using 50Hz current frequency saves electricity costs in power transmission.

Frequently asked questions about what is Hz current? 

Below are the two most frequently asked questions when users learn about Hz?:

Should I buy a screen with a high scanning frequency?

For the purpose of serving the needs of office work, watching movies, YouTube or other entertainment,. a screen with a frequency of 60Hz can satisfy you enough. If you need a computer to play heavy games, you should invest in computers with 120Hz, 144Hz or higher refresh rates for a better visual experience.

Why is frequency measured in Hertz?

The correct answer is Frequency. Frequency is the number of occurrences of a recurring event per unit of time. It is also known as time frequency. Frequency is measured in units of hertz (Hz), which is equivalent to one occurrence of a repeating event per second.


Hopefully the information shared in the article will help you better understand what Hz is and find the difference between 50Hz and 60Hz current. From there, it can be applied in choosing to buy household electrical appliances or industrial electrical equipment, helping to reduce repair costs or buying new ones. 

Update 03 October 2023


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