Warning: This seemingly harmless message contains malware that threatens millions of Android users

Not only Android users, but iPhone users have also been warned to pay attention to text messages asking to tap on attached links.

Experts have warned that the crooks have launched a campaign to attack Android devices using SMS text messages to spread the malware.

Once installed, malware - known as FluBot - collects personal information as well as user secrets.

More frightening, the malware that has entered the victim's phone will find the contacts in the device to expand its presence.

According to a recent report by security firm Proofpoint, the hackers behind FluBot (also known as Cabassous) have "stretched the octopus" out of Spain to target users in the UK, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Poland. .

This malware-containing text message could also start to spread around the world in the near future.

The people behind the FluBot malware attack will send victims a text message impersonating reputable companies like DHL, Amazon, Asda, Argos, the report said. .

This message will include a phishing link asking the recipient to download an app as an APK. As you can imagine, this application has malware installed to steal passwords and user information.

The UK's National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC) has issued security guidelines that allow users to identify FluBot malicious messages.

Meanwhile, network providers Three and Vodafone have started voicing warnings about malware to their users.

NCSC also asks users if they receive FluBot messages to forward them to the free spam reporting service, before deleting the messages from the device.

While the malware is currently known to only infect Android devices, NCSC is said to have advised Apple users to pay attention to text messages asking them to tap on attached links.

Picture 1 of Warning: This seemingly harmless message contains malware that threatens millions of Android users

While it is not possible to install APKs on iOS devices, there are concerns that fake websites can also be used to steal user personal information.

Security experts recommend that users follow the general rule of thumb, to never download an APK file from outside without knowing exactly where it comes from.

Update 30 April 2021


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