Warezov Deep 'take meat to crush you'

A new spam worm appears to spread widely and is classified as not high. But the security experts themselves do not know how to eradicate it easily.

A new spam worm appears to spread widely and is classified as not high. But the security experts themselves do not know how to eradicate it easily.

New types of computer worms are named 'Warezov', 'Stration' and 'Stratio' by security firms.

Warezov said Weakzov infects primarily Windows-based PC systems when users open attachments from spam emails, said Mikko Hypponen, research director at F-Secure.

Picture 1 of Warezov Deep 'take meat to crush you'
Source: norman Once infected, the worm system will automatically send copies of it to the email addresses in the Windows address book and download its new variants every 30 minutes. The new variant of Warezov worm was created from a special program of hackers hosted on the server.

Types of malicious code that are able to create new variants of themselves have been known before. However, the new programming code of these types of malicious code exists in the 'body' itself of the old variant. Therefore, if security experts 'grab a neck' for one, the new versions of it will die as well.

But with Warezov deep situation completely different know. It is equipped with a specialized software that creates new variants that make it difficult for security experts to identify the source code of the new variants and how it creates a new variant of malicious code. .

This is the reason why security companies have a headache. They will have to constantly update anti-virus applications to destroy a number of 'unlimited' new variants of Warezov worm. Only F-Secure has now released to over 150 identification codes for Warezov variants. Meanwhile, Sophos has detected a total of more than 300 variants of this new worm. Warezov was one of the most widespread computer worms in October.

In this case, security experts had to cooperate with Internet service providers to block domains hosting new variants of Warezov worm.

Despite such dangerous features, Warezov worm does not cause much harm to infected PC systems. Its main purpose is to infect and spread its new variants. Estimated number of Warezov infected PCs has reached hundreds of thousands. This is the most powerful virus in the past few years.

However, we also need to be very careful with the creator of this virus that may be in the process of preparing for later DoS attacks when the number of PCs infected with Warezov has reached one. certain number, Mr. Hypponen warned.

Hoang Dung

Update 26 May 2019


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