Spamta worm has 67 new variants

Security firm PandaLabs has warned that the number of new variants of the Spamta worm that spread via email has spiked with 67 new variants. All 67 variants of Spamta have been identifiable during the week, bringing the total number of Spamta variants currently spread.

Security firm PandaLabs has warned that the number of new variants of the Spamta worm that spread via email has spiked with 67 new variants.

All 67 variations of Spamta have been identifiable during the week, bringing the total number of Spamta variants currently spread to nearly a hundred different forms. The latest variant identified as Spamta.GO .

The variations of Spamta are also quite simple. They differ only in the content of the messages they use as bait and size, as well as the compression format of the worm files or the files they copied into the computer.

Spamta worm has 67 new variants Picture 1Spamta worm has 67 new variants Picture 1 The messages they display when the activity is subject to change. Like the CY variant when reading code in Notepad, it displays a string of garbled characters and the FQ variant opens a dialog box with the message that an update program has been successfully installed.

Currently these worms only spread via email. They replicate and then automatically distribute via email address on the infected computer, send all the email addresses on the list on the computer. However, according to Luis Corrons, PandaLabs's director said that virus writers are still testing the level of spread by producing different types of variants, the next step will be integration of functions. New feature for worms to implement more dangerous actions such as malware.

TruPrevent security technology developed by Panda Software is a professional 'action' that can detect and block all these new worms so the computers that are installing these technologies are removed. threat from worms with this malicious code.

Users can also scan online via Panda Software's online search tool for free at Panda ActiveScan.


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