Vibranium vs. Adamantium: In the Marvel universe, which metal is more valuable?
In the Marvel universe, there are always controversial topics among fans. Who is the strongest character? Who is the most perfect villain? Who is the smartest? Thousands of questions have been opened since the first Marvel series. One of them is the question of the two most widely known fiction metals - Adamantium and Vibranium - inherent in the weapons of heroes such as Black Panther or Wolverine. Therefore, in this article, we will point out five advantages for each alloy to show which is actually the most valuable metal.

10. Vibranium: More residue

Vibranium can be exploited in two areas on Earth - Wakanda and Antarctica. Although there are only two main mining sites, Vibranium always shows a huge amount of residue. Wakanda is constantly developing technologies based on Vibranium and it seems they are never lacking for research and production.
This gives us a great advantage over Adamantium, which is a much rarer metal. Vibranium, though very expensive, is still easier to earn than Adamantium.
9. Adamantium: Higher value

Anyone with money in the Marvel universe can afford Vibranium, but not every dollar can get Adamantium. Because of its rarity, the value of this metal has doubled, and is more precious to be able to touch.
The same weight, the price of Adamantium can be many times higher just because of its extremely rare residue.
8. Vibranium: Easy to use

The people of Wakanda have been working with Vibranium for centuries. This is very important - most Africans have not mastered other common metals yet - because they have shown a skill in "countering" one of the hardest metals on the planet. planet.
When ancient tribes were able to use and forge Vibranium, it proved that its properties were easy to exploit, without the need for too many modern tools to forge a needle-using device. this kind.
7. Adamantium: Can be used to enhance human strength

The human body has an immune mechanism created to reject all kinds of foreign elements, but Adamantium is not affected by this system. Bullseye is a good example - he is just an ordinary person but his spine is filled with adamantium, or Constrictor with adamantium tendons implanted in his hand.
Here are two simple examples of people who are usually implanted with Adamantium. Many people will misunderstand that only Wolverine can contain this metal in humans because the Healing Factor can heal wounds from rejection of foreign matter, but the truth is that it can be put into the body. people without having to worry about the immune system.
6. Vibranium: Variations have different applications

Vibranium in Wakanda and Antarctica are two different metals. The Wakanda type can absorb shocks and disperse them through molecular bonds, while the Antarctic type decays the structure of the metal used to act on it.
Because of these two characteristics, they are suitable for many different use cases, making Vibranium more flexible in scientific and military applications.
5. Adamantium: Can not reverse the casting process

It may not sound like a good point, since it doesn't have the recyclability of this compound, but once Adamantium has been molded, it can't be melted no matter how high the temperature is.
Everything made from Adamantium is primarily armor and weapons due to its durability. Therefore, even if the bad guy can touch one of the Adamantium-made devices, they can't decay to create smaller weapons.
4: Vibranium: Mutagenic in nature

A common property of the two types of Vibranium is mutagenicity. Radioactivity both emitted can affect long-term contacts, as well as the flora and fauna surrounding it.
Without this property, the Wakanda heart-shaped flower cannot grant them special abilities. If the kings of Wakanda do not have these special abilities, Wakanda will become an target for invasion, or in other words, Vibranium saved Wakanda himself.
3. Adamantium: The earth would not exist without it

This will be a simple example for the butterfly effect. Captain America's shield is originally made of an alloy between Vibranium and Adamantium - helping it absorb shocks and also have strong strength. If only made from Vibranium, it would not be as effective as a shield, and could cause the entire Avengers battle to be lost. The same goes for Wolverine - if he is not reinforced with this metal skeleton, he will not be able to help X-Men against human threats. Although a crazy idea, but without Adamantium, the Earth actually has fallen into ruin for a long time.
2. Vibranium: Apply for crazy ideas

Of course, thanks to the flexibility in use, Adamantium can be used to create many different types of devices to support people in the Marvel universe. The entire Wakanda economy and culture revolves around the use of Vibranium. In contrast to Vibranium, Adamantium has less flexibility so Vibranium is suitable for many necessary cases. This can be said to be the key to why Vibranium is the "best" metal in the Marvel universe.
1. Adamantium: Could not be more durable

It is possible that Vibranium is more widely used due to its properties and residues, but certainly they still cannot have Adamantium's persistent properties. While it is possible to absorb energy and disperse them, there will be times when Vibranium succumbs to harsh attacks.
On the contrary, Adamantium will always withstand the most severe attacks - it can be said that they cannot be destroyed, even to the point when they are formed they will last forever with time - albeit synonymous with Extremely low recycling. Therefore, they are suitable for melee weapons or used to counter a variety of energy with high intensity and strength - a reason proving that Adamantium is no less than the Vibranium brothers.
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