Use batteries for laptops better

If you are using a laptop with excellent battery power, it is still not perfect if you know how to extend the time.

If you are using a laptop with excellent battery power, it is still not perfect if you know how to extend the time. Especially this tip will be useful if you need to use a laptop for a long time and follow the system's standby modes.

These are the main components that affect the battery power in the laptop: hard disk, monitor, CD / DVD drive, network card . The following tips will be effective if you plan on using computers for public use. work without having to connect to the Internet or use a CD / DVD drive.

First start with the display, if you use the battery, make sure it shows at the lowest level running from the brightness. Reducing the brightness on the screen will greatly benefit the battery. Almost all laptops have a set of buttons, usually function keys (F1-F12). You press the Fn key located at the bottom left corner and press the down arrow to adjust to reduce the brightness.

Then to disable all unnecessary components. You can disable components by going to the Control Panel - Device manager and doing that, but sometimes you need them when you need to reactivate. The best way is to create some hardware schedule called a Hardware Profile, which will have all the components activated when you turn on the device and the components are turned off.

Picture 1 of Use batteries for laptops better
After you have created this profile, you restart the computer, if it is not yet satisfactory, re-enter the control panel and disable everything that is not needed and turn off. Now when you turn on the computer, you will be given the option to select the profile you want to start. So when you are away, in the office or at home, you will choose a schedule for the system appropriately.

How to create a separate profile for new hardware on Windows XP, I performed this trick on my Dell Inspiron:

Go to Start - Settings - Control Panel - System . Click the Hardware tab and click Hardware Profile .

On the next dialog, you will see a list of available hardware configurations, which contains only one item called Profile 1 (Current) . This is the default profile that is loaded every time you start Windows. After adding a second profile, the next time you start Windows, you will be given this option to select the file you want to boot under the system.

To create a second hardware profile, click Copy . This will copy the default profile that you can change them. Next, give it a name (optional). Click OK . You should now see this new profile in the list of available hardware. Click on this new profile and select Properties . Select ' This is portable computer ' and then select ' Always include this profile as an option when Windows starts '.

Now restart your computer and select this new profile. This will be treated as the current profile from when you select it to start with Windows.

After logging in, go to Start - Settings - Control Panel - System , click the Hardware tab again, this time select Device Manager and see the list of devices currently installed on your computer. Browse and disable anything that is not needed, now need to be careful here and not try to neutralize what is not needed, the essential equipment that must be left to the system.

You can disable security with devices like Bluetooth, CD / DVD ROM, Modem, Network adapter. Do not touch other devices such as drives, SCSI and RAID drivers, processors, System devices, computer or Display systems. To remove the device from the newly created hardware profile, right-click on a device and select Properties, then disable it by disabling from the options menu.

At the bottom you will see a drop-down menu under the device title used. This is where you can enable this device to activate at startup with the current hardware profile. Select " Do not use the device in the current hardware profile (disable) ". Now your device has been disabled. Go back to the front and do it for the rest of the devices. If you use an external hard drive, a USB drive or a CD-Rom drive will turn it on again.

Now simply restart the computer and select the profile you want to boot. Devices that have been disabled will not use any resources in the system's resources and will increase your battery life.

Update 25 May 2019


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