True to the 'golden hour' frames after eating, how much they are not afraid of fat

There are golden times of the day that you eat a lot of size, it doesn't make your body gain weight or get fat.

  1. The terrible consequences of your body suddenly lose weight
  2. Practice the gym but not up, so please add the following foods

For those who are losing weight or want to keep their weight in order to have a well-proportioned physique, perhaps the most important thing for them is the diet and the time to eat. Many people believe that, to lose weight effectively, we need to eliminate starch in the diet as well as cut down on dinner will be the most optimal way. However, in reality this is not a good way to lose weight.

There is a very effective way to lose weight, not affect your health, but you can completely eat and drink comfortably without worrying about the needle rising up if you memorize this 'golden hour' spell. And there are 3 ideal golden time frames in the day to supplement the body's food without fear of fat on:

7 to 8 am

Picture 1 of True to the 'golden hour' frames after eating, how much they are not afraid of fat

This is considered the ideal time for you to enjoy a great breakfast, supplement your body with nutrients. However, after 10am, you absolutely should not eat anything, because it will make your body excess energy because of lunch.

In addition, make a good habit for yourself every morning to drink a glass of water (not cold) full when you wake up to discharge intestinal poisoning as well as slight irritation to the stomach to work better.

12h to 2pm

Picture 2 of True to the 'golden hour' frames after eating, how much they are not afraid of fat

Many people have a habit of starting lunch very early, about 11pm, but try to wait another hour so your body is really hungry and digest the energy you have loaded from breakfast, avoid excessive amounts of substance in the body.

After 4pm, you absolutely should not eat lunch or eat a lot of food, because this time is close to dinner and is a little time of the day, energy is difficult to digest. So if you're too hungry, add a snack with snacks.

6h to 9pm

Picture 3 of True to the 'golden hour' frames after eating, how much they are not afraid of fat

It sounds like something is not right when the advice from experts is that you should not eat anything after 7pm. But in fact, you just need to eat at least 3 hours before going to bed, you can still control your weight.

In case you have dinner from 6pm, but have to stay up late to work or study, this time it will be very easy to cause hunger and hunger in the middle of the night that makes you tired, distracted, from there We are in the habit of finding unhealthy snacks to fill our stomachs, which is even more harmful to weight than your late dinner.

Small snacks

Picture 4 of True to the 'golden hour' frames after eating, how much they are not afraid of fat

Instead of eating a full three meals a day, you should divide your diet into small meals that will help keep your body from starving. If you go to the gym, use a little food around 4:30 - 5:00 to get more energy for training. Cereals, bananas or sweet potatoes are ideal foods to use. Eat before exercise to avoid hypotension that loses the effectiveness of exercises.

Wish you always have a good health!

Update 24 May 2019


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