The terrible consequences of your body suddenly lose weight
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Obesity is now becoming a 'disease' in some developing countries in the world. According to a World Health Organization survey, at least 700 million people worldwide are overweight at the level of obesity, and this number does not stop there, it dates. The increase is very fast year by year.
Obesity not only causes your body to become aesthetically plagued, but it also involves countless consequences such as blood fat, diabetes, heart disease . all kinds of dangerous diseases. After the days of happy eating, you face a hard time to lose weight.
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Losing weight is not bad, but when you lose weight too suddenly, it will leave terrible consequences when you look at it and it will hurt.
When you lose weight suddenly, your skin will become sagging
For normal skin, it will have very high elasticity, suitable for changes and the process of moving from the human body.
However, in fact the skin has many layers, and the elasticity of each layer is different. With the dermis and dermis layers, they contain many connective tissue, blood vessels and components that help skin elastic, so the structure is very sustainable.
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When you get fat, your skin will follow you. But when your weight drops dramatically, the skin texture doesn't adapt to the new shape at all. Only the outer epidermis is well adapted because they are constantly changing (which is dead skin), but not enough to make a difference.
As a result, your skin will sag and wrinkly.
Besides, habits such as drinking, smoking, lack of nutrients are also the causes of skin loss of its inherent elasticity.
More seriously, there is almost no remedy for sagging skin, except for cutlery intervention. Some milder cases can be overcome by training to shrink the skin.
Never lose weight too quickly, not just for fear of sagging skin
The terrible consequences of your body suddenly lose weight Picture 3
The rapid weight loss in fact does not bring any benefits to your aesthetics and health.
Many people often use the method of fast weight loss such as fasting or eating less to make the body unable to adapt, lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to feed the body. With such a low intake, it will significantly affect the immune system, followed by a number of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and general health.
There are even fatal body deaths when sudden weight loss.
Not to mention, sudden weight loss can make you gain weight again, even exceeding the weight loss. This comes from the adaptive mechanism of our bodies.
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When fasting for a long time, the metabolism in the body will gradually decrease to ensure energy for the body to function. But when returning to normal trajectory, the body will recover the lost fat, and try to accumulate more to prevent it. At this time your weight loss process returns to work.
What is the right way to lose weight?
The terrible consequences of your body suddenly lose weight Picture 5
Is not recommended to lose weight too fast! Weight loss needs to be made with a roadmap, combining exercise and quality eating. Besides, attention should be paid to skin care during weight loss by absorbing all necessary vitamins.
Rest assured, because there are so many beautiful and gorgeous cases after losing weight. It's important that you do it right, that's all.
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