Tips to play Tsuki's Odyssey gamers need to know

Created by Hyperbeard, the developer behind the success of Adorable Home, Cat Spa, Kleptocats and Kiki's Vacation, Tsuki's Odyssey is a laid-back game that doesn't ask too much from the player.

As Tsuki, the player's goal is to relax in Mushroom Village while taking care of his carrot farm. Unfortunately, Tsuki's house was broken into, there was no furniture and the gamer recovered everything.

Picture 1 of Tips to play Tsuki's Odyssey gamers need to know

If you want a relaxing experience with beautiful graphics and relaxing background music, then Tsuki's Odyssey is a great game with a slow tempo. In this article, let's find out the tips for playing Tsuki's Odyssey that gamers need to know to get the most out of this relaxing game experience.

Log in every day to improve the village

Logging in every day helps the player slowly discover everything in the village, new friends and people, interesting new places. Players can even learn new things about Tsuki's neighbors. Daily login also helps to get a steady amount of Carrots and Punch Cards.

Picture 2 of Tips to play Tsuki's Odyssey gamers need to know

Also, every day there are new items in Yori's shop, Dawn's repair shack, and Daisy's flower shop. Gamers can also get new fishing bonuses at the Community Board if they've unlocked those.

Don't miss Punch Card

Punch Card acts as the game's daily login system. So Tsuki gets a new carrot and gacha ticket every day.

The gacha and carrot ticket rewards alternate weekdays through Saturday. What players get on Sunday is something special: random furniture. The furniture received may even be something Yori doesn't sell.

Picture 3 of Tips to play Tsuki's Odyssey gamers need to know

Remember that if you miss a day, there's no way people can go back and have to start the process all over again. Try to log into this game every day to make your house more cute.

Prioritize getting carrots over everything else

Money makes the world grow and in Mushroom Village it's carrots. This is the currency of this village, and luckily, they grow on Tsuki's farm.

Picture 4 of Tips to play Tsuki's Odyssey gamers need to know

In addition to getting these from the farm, people can also collect them from completing Punch Cards, Fish Bounties, selling items or fish. Gamers can also get these by talking to anyone who works for Candiru Corporation.

Talk to an employee of Candiru Corp.

With every game day, people will notice some people showing up on your doorstep. These are the employees of Candiru Corp. There are 3 employees of Candiru Corp. that people can find in Mushroom Village are Draper, Olson and Camille.

Picture 5 of Tips to play Tsuki's Odyssey gamers need to know

This company gives carrots to anyone who sees their ad campaigns. After seeing the pitch, people will be rewarded with carrots. Along with the main way to earn carrots, this will significantly increase your income within a day.

Update 31 May 2022


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