Tips for playing Shadow Warrior 3

Tips for playing Shadow Warrior 3, Tips gamers need to know when playing Shadow Warrior 3, the latest part of the first-person shooter masterpiece – Shadow Warrior

Shadow Warrior 3 is the perfect blend of fast-paced gunfights, explosive melee combat, and a breathtaking free-run system.

Most of the time in Shadow Warrior 3 will be spent shooting and dodging bullets in many different arenas. As Lo Wang, players will need to know how to properly use a variety of weapons while engaging in fast-paced combat.

Picture 1 of Tips for playing Shadow Warrior 3

What makes this mission quite challenging at times is the number and variety of enemies that appear in a given encounter. Thankfully, Shadow Warrior 3 offers a bunch of tools built around new game mechanics that not only help prevent death, but also brutally destroy enemies.

In this article, let's find out the tips gamers need to know when playing Shadow Warrior 3, the latest part of the super first-person shooter - Shadow Warrior.

Continuity move

Like many games that are heavy on mob combat, the constant movement in Shadow Warrior 3 reduces the chances of the character taking damage from enemies. It can also combine better with any ability or skill the player has chosen in the game.

Picture 2 of Tips for playing Shadow Warrior 3

Since the game also offers a lot of options for vertical movement, remember to exploit the wall running and grappling hook if you need to get rid of a large number of bad guys. Lo Wang will surely appreciate the opportunity to show off his amateur acrobatic skills.

Upgrade Sidekick and Katana

Lo Wang's katana is just as iconic as his monstrous messy hair, and it's the player's primary offensive weapon throughout the early levels.

People can upgrade it to deal more severe damage to enemies. Katana can knock down enemies with a single attack and deal elemental damage like electricity. Stunting a target allows the player to receive multiple additional attacks with that blade.

Picture 3 of Tips for playing Shadow Warrior 3

Besides Katana, gamers should also upgrade guns called Sidekick. At first, these dual SMGs are not many, but upgrading them will bring great effect. After just 2 upgrades, Sidekick gains Shocking Rounds that can stun enemies in the air, giving Lo Wang time to grapple with them or stay out of danger.

Mining Gore Weapon

Gore Weapons are particularly gruesome organ-destroying tools found from the corpses of enemies. These weapons are basically attached to the enemy's body, so the player has to tear them apart.

Picture 4 of Tips for playing Shadow Warrior 3

The arsenal includes floating wards pictured above, laser grenades, and more. However, they can only be obtained using Finishers - special knockdown moves that require one to three energy bars. .

This has a slight trade-off as Finishers can restore Lo Wang's health if he is very low. Collecting the yellow pickups will restore the gauge, but not having the Finisher energy available means you might miss out on a Gore Weapon.

Take advantage and guard against elemental damage

Lo Wang can use elemental powers to deal more damage including ice, fire, and electricity, with electricity and ice particularly useful for crowd control of opponents.

  1. Fire – suitable for explosions and explosive damage
  2. Ice – used to freeze any enemies caught in the explosion
  3. Electric – suitable for stunning enemies, as well as dealing damage over time

Picture 5 of Tips for playing Shadow Warrior 3

Of course, the player can also take elemental damage from surrounding hazards like explosive crates found in battle arenas. Be aware of the environment you're in, to avoid taking damage from these damage.

Update 11 March 2022


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