Tips and strategies to expand your empire in Evony: The King's Return

Evony: The King's Return challenges players to lay claim to the world of Evony and rise to become ruler of the Throne City.

As a new ruler, the player will need to establish his capital, build an army, find and train capable generals, build strong alliances, etc. Only by doing these things Only then will everyone be ready to set out to conquer and defeat other ambitious emperors and come to their rightful place - the supreme king of Evony.

With such a huge amount of work to do, new players can feel overwhelmed and confused. So read on to learn tips and strategies to expand your empire in Evony: The King's Return.

Using protection for beginners

Evony is a PvP-focused game so there can only be one owner of the game world. This means that players will have to be prepared both offensively and defensively. This is where the game's beginner protection comes into play.

Called a bubble by seasoned players, the novice guard is a tool to help newbies find their niche. While it is active, the character can neither attack nor be attacked by other players. People cannot spy on their cities or be scouted. Otherwise, players will lose this protection if they upgrade to 11.

Picture 1 of Tips and strategies to expand your empire in Evony: The King's Return

This relatively peaceful first week is crucial to later success in Evony. Use this time to build a solid foundation for your further conquests. Upgrade buildings and train as many people as possible.

Get champions and equip the best you can find. Gather an army and fight monsters in the open world. When opening the world map for the first time, people will notice that their capital is surrounded by a dome of blue energy.

It's a visual representation of protection for beginners. Take note of when the protection expires, or take the initiative and strike first.

Forming an alliance

Picture 2 of Tips and strategies to expand your empire in Evony: The King's Return

To join an alliance, keep an eye on the game world conversation. Locate an alliance group that suits your attitude and play style and simply find out what they require to be in. If you don't want to do that, you just need to join a random alliance.

People can easily tell the difference because strong alliances are harder to join, as it will have an Apply button instead of a Join. The strict membership requirements are worth learning, but for beginners, start with the small alliance first.

Research the core aspects

Research is the core aspect of the game after building an empire as you will need to research to improve your army and base. Doing research is also an important mechanical aspect of the game to make the kingdom stronger.

In Evony, there are four different types of research that players can do to improve their kingdom:

  1. Advancement - Allows players to level up their respective buildings by adding resource collectors.
  2. Defense - This strengthens the kingdom's defenses by increasing the number of traps and overall defense.
  3. Medical Support - As the name suggests, this only heals troops after the battle and helps revive them. It can also increase lifespan and allow warriors to last longer.
  4. Troops – Studying this aspect increases the strength of troops and gives them new abilities.

Picture 3 of Tips and strategies to expand your empire in Evony: The King's Return

The more advanced the different types of research, the more resources will be obtained in the game. Before committing to advanced research, however, make sure adequate resources are available.

Resources are very important people can get more by dominating the open map, completing quests and defeating enemies. Thriving in Evony relies heavily on the amount of resources that can be collected. So the player must collect as much as possible and upgrade resource generating buildings to help speed up the process.

Complete daily activities

The world of Evony is full of daily activities that players need to complete to gather resources, gems, and increase production. Since the game is highly competitive, one should definitely not miss these daily bonuses, which can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Mysterious Puzzles

Picture 4 of Tips and strategies to expand your empire in Evony: The King's Return

Mystery puzzles are a great way to gather basic resources as well as gems. This puzzle is the thing to do while waiting for your fitness to regenerate or if you need to quickly gather resources. As the level increases, gamers will have access to more puzzles with better rewards.

In addition to the pre-set levels in Mysterious Puzzle, there are daily puzzles for additional rewards. These daily puzzles have a cooldown of 3 minutes after completing each game.

Pay tribute at the temple

Picture 5 of Tips and strategies to expand your empire in Evony: The King's Return

The player can provide gems at the shrine located near his palace. For the most cost-effective tributes, players need to provide 675 gems per turn.

This is one of the fastest ways to gain Monarch Exp. Also, if doing 7 offers in a week, the next daily login bonus pack will be even better. Alternatively, tributes can be used as offerings at the Temple. These items can be purchased in the Alliance store.

Activity table

Picture 6 of Tips and strategies to expand your empire in Evony: The King's Return

The activity table represents a mixture of different activities. When playing the game, everyone will score cumulative points in their Activity Board. These areas range from gathering resources to doing research and even playing PvP battles.

When certain thresholds are reached, gamers will receive a bonus chest filled with gifts to help expand the kingdom even further. Note that people will have to tap open chests to get rewards for completing activity thresholds.

Everyone should complete the Activity Table to 145 points to receive the Key of Conscription. This key is used to open the Hero Chest with the reward of shards. If you're lucky enough, you can even get a piece of the Historic General in gold.


Picture 7 of Tips and strategies to expand your empire in Evony: The King's Return

Gamers need to mobilize their troops to patrol around the city walls. This can be done for free 3 times a day and provides some resources. After those 3 times, the game requires gems to continue patrolling.

More importantly, though, patrols are a great way to get Monarch gear. If you don't like the reward offered, you can roll back the patrol reward for 10 gold.

If there are a lot of gems to use for patrolling, people should continue to replay to ignore rewards that are not Monarch equipment or an orange rare item. The reason is that all other bonuses except the ones above are passed through normal play.

Update 21 January 2022


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