Tiny laptops make you stand out in the crowd

Laptop tastes are becoming fashionable declarations by stylish models like the MacBook Air. But in Japan, if you really want to stand out in the crowd, you should have the Vye Mini-v S41

Laptop tastes are becoming fashionable declarations by stylish models like the MacBook Air.

But in Japan, if you really want to stand out in the crowd, you should have the Vye Mini-v S41, a tiny laptop only available in Japan or via Dynamism.com, which specializes in importing public content. high technology from Asia to the US.

The Vye Mini-v S41 weighs 2.7 pounds (about 1.22 kg) - lighter than the MacBook Air weighing a little more than 1.38kg. Unlike the Air, this laptop has built-in DVD player and reader. 7-inch touch screen can rotate and twist the laptop into a Tablet PC. At the same time, it has a standard keyboard, trackpad (touch cursor control) and a Windows Vista-based computer.

Those with large hands may find it difficult to use this tiny keyboard. Touch screen panel makes it easy to drag and drop windows and icons.

Dynamism announced selling the device for $ 1,499. Although the Vye Mini-v S41 will not win bigger laptops in terms of performance, you can steal it in your arms and become an unquestionable champion of trendy technology even if you go any way. where.

Picture 1 of Tiny laptops make you stand out in the crowd

Picture 2 of Tiny laptops make you stand out in the crowd

Update 25 May 2019


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