How Will It Fair If Artificial Intelligence Comes After Writers?
Even the slightest thought about having artificial intelligence in the place of the writers gives goosebumps to everyone who is somehow involved with writing. To be fair, there are already computer programs that define and correct our grammar while writing. It is a sort of artificial intelligence that can use our languages almost the same as we do.
The building of the sentences and their structure, it's all done by the machine. That must make us question what will be going on in the future. Will the use of AI replace our educated writers? How will it affect writing generally? Let's find out the answers together.
Picture 1 of How Will It Fair If Artificial Intelligence Comes After Writers?
1. Do Machines Possess Enough Quality For Writing?
Speaking of replacing writers with AI devices and robots, the first of many questions about it is often do they have or will have enough quality to write. At the moment, we haven't built an advanced artificial intelligence that can fully write some text as humans do. To write, you need emotions. How can robots write if they are senseless machines without feeling anything? That's what bothers scientists and experts the most.
Truth be told, it can truly happen that they will someday take our place when it comes to writing. Yes, robots cannot feel anything and cannot be able to put their 'soul' in the text as we can. But that is not an issue at all. Maybe it can give us a sense of fear and anxiety, but it is truly real that they will replace us one day. We have already managed to create powerful machines with AI that can work perfectly. So, why shouldn't they be able to write in the future?
2. Writing With Passion & Knowing Social Skills
Some of the most common things we can see in writing are a passion for it so as knowing the right social skills. Writers of the present are passionate and have that will of fire inside them while writing.
It is hard to imagine that robots will develop anything similar to it, because they cannot, at least that's what we are thinking. But remember that the robots that were made by Facebook, called Bob and Alice, needed to be shut down after starting to speak their own language. We didn't create that, right? The point is that something unexpected can come up at any moment. Of course, machines' building the passion would be a miracle equal to Moses' opening the Red Sea. We cannot know for sure. Another aspect that people have an advantage of is knowing social skills. Social intelligence is closely related to the relationships among people and their connections.
It is something that demands a few characteristics like deep thinking, a sense of collaboration, etc. Artificial intelligence has no such complex and complicated setups as our brains. We are able to write all the genres that exist in writing, whether it is a romantic novel, horror book, or comics. That is the reason why people can conclude about the level of someones' writing and estimate its quality. Humans have perception, sympathy, and empathy expressed through the words in the texts. However, that is something that robots do not possess, at least for now. But who knows what can happen in the future after this incident of the 2 robots mentioned above.
3. Humans Will Lose A Mutual Bond
In modern writing, there is a particular bond between the readers and the authors. A topessaywriting review can be found online and testify to this claim. You can see a lot of reviews from others related to this theme. Anyways, that connection can be completely lost if we let robots replace our writers in the future. Although they will possess a voice that can interact with the audience, it can never make even similar collaboration like humans do with humans.
The interaction of the authors with their audience is highly appreciable and recommended nowadays. That's why plenty of writers are trying to be active and listen to what they have to say, admit, suggest, criticize, or praise. It gives writing a totally new form and a different level. If machines take place, we will be reading without feelings or any senses involved. It would be a senseless absorption of the words that are in front of us.
All in all, we are the ones that invented the idea of creating artificial intelligence in the first place. As their founders, we must find the right balance that will keep them inferior to us. It's up to our experts and computer programmers to solve the issue of AI and its unexpected outcomes. It all depends on our ability to build them right, with all the restrictions or limitations necessary.
We mustn't regret creating robots and to prevent that scenario, people must work cautiously and in togetherness. If we take it out of control, it will end up shutting down the machines that can be beneficial for our species. The only thing we need is to find the perfect formula.
About The Author
Laura C. Fields is well familiar with writing and the qualities it can represent. Replacing humans with robots would affect many people like her. But as technology rises rapidly, she, and everyone can hope that everything will eventually be positive.
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