The virtual network world of the future

Online game is a strange place: in its world one can know the reputation before knowing who you are. As in the case of an EVE Online gamer was invited to cooperate with real business pilots driving a virtual spacecraft named Walker Spaight, when they met in

Internet has changed our lives? Not really. Wait until it becomes an embedded 3D environment for you to get the correct answer.

Online game is a strange place: in its world one can know the reputation before knowing who you are. As in the case of a game player EVE Online has been invited to cooperate with real business pilots driving a virtual spacecraft named Walker Spaight, when they meet in the game world.

Picture 1 of The virtual network world of the future
Source: PC World Many people wonder if he is the ' second Walker Spaight in Second Life ', another 3D online world.

The answer is no less curious. They meet and rejoice in the 'virtual festival'. At EVE I played this game only as a medium combat pilot, but in Second Life was very good, well known for about 250,000 contacts or maybe even more. The Second Life Herald online newspaper posted the events of Second Life, referring to him. And this gamer became a celebrity, busy answering players, writing articles for magazines and having a stable job at a big international company.

3D virtual worlds like Second Life are gradually becoming a real part of human life. Maybe about 10 years later they will guide how you and I work, play and define our online identities.

More than a game

Picture 2 of The virtual network world of the future
Source: PC World Until recently, shared 3D space was still the domain of massive, multiplayer computer games such as Ultima Online, EverQuest, World of Warcraft, and EVE Online. Over the past few decades, these games have attracted me an unprecedentedly large audience. Although perhaps only half a million people have played Second Life, at least about 20 to 40 million others around the world are regular guests of online games. So far this number continues to increase continuously.

Persistent worlds like Second Life have more meaning than a game. In Second Life you will not see the killing of brutal monsters or the influx of spacecraft. Players provided with the program can create whatever they like; from houses, cars to clothing, space weapons with loose wings or whatever appears in their rich imagination.

In fact, the whole scene of the game is created by players. The companies operating this world only provide virtualized page filling for players to dominate. The game world is more like a background than a game. Players can build distant fantasy images, while also building useful tools. The power of Web 2.0 to support the activities of millions of people will be combined with new meaning sources. The goal is to create an almost real environment. There, people in the virtual world can also make money for life, study, love or use time with news and entertainment in the direction of bringing people closer together.

Enthusiasts often call this set of tools 'metaverse' - the term coined by Neal Stephenson in the 1922 Snow Crash prophetic novel. The impact of these tools has been seen today.

' Entertainment, education, art and business have been thrown into spaghetti to the limit to see what the countryside is ,' said Jerry Paffendorf, a future researcher. He himself arranged the Summer Metaverse Roadmap Summit conference to frame the course of these techniques. ' Over a few years we will see this type of technology more complete. Hyperlinks from the Web to virtual space will no longer be popular. We are still looking for the only effective separation of this type of technology from its ineffectiveness, but the new program is at its original level . '

More significantly, the game Queens will quickly have a park design inside a virtual world.

Although it has just begun to improve, online games are gradually becoming part of the real world. While militants are actively fighting in the virtual world, business plans, marketing plans or designs are equally active in real life. Architects use Second Life as a platform to create prototypes for customers. Emergency service centers are used to develop crisis counseling strategies. Starwood Hotels used to design and advertise new features Aloft. Entertainment industry used with a large amount of time. The popular Laguna Beach MTV program recently released a virtual version of itself in's online world. There, fans can meet and interact with the digital regeneration program in the performances. In the near future, Duran Duran will open his own 'Future Fiction' in Second Life. Bands will give their performances, show new creations and reduce chat time with fans. ' In my opinion this is the entertainment industry's most anticipated move ,' said Nick Rhodes, a musician and songwriter.

Following the heels of the entertainment industry are leading banks, community relations firms, auto manufacturing companies, consumer goods manufacturers and many companies that look to the potential development of the new world. . All have projects ready to proceed. At their service, there are currently only small virtual world services like Ron Blechner's, slightly larger than Millions of Us and Rivers Run Red (bringing Duran Duran into Second Life) and the largest is the Electric Sheep Company with nearly 20 full-time employees, including Jerry Paffendor.

New means of acting for people

Picture 3 of The virtual network world of the future
Source: PC World For those who truly believe, this is an opportunity to create technology that changes the world. It has the same nature as the World Wide Web: easy-to-use interface with great significance, although people can share information types and interact in new ways. Although the next generation cannot completely replace the Web, it will extend the functionality of the Internet. It will also create a revolution in human life, as radically as the Web has done in the past 15 years. You can easily read newspapers on the Web, but you can't click on a story that uses 3D and loop to another company that is reading this story.

Of course, in Second Life, where residents want to build whatever they want, the ability to create evil monster jokes is as much as the performance. The technology backbone of the next generation is not sophisticated enough to resist the entire army such as pirates, pranksters or thieves. Second Life is often in a "scary" situation by users who prefer to build detention camps around the avatar; drop the object of self-replication, strangle the service of the world, make them stop working.

Many observers believe that most incidents are due to the reputation of online communication, but they also give the opposite evidence: people want a strong online identity. John Suler, a psychiatrist who specializes in computer problems at Rider University, writes, " People can experience leanness like a poison ." That depends on the virtual world making them more harmonious or hostile.

The popularity of Web 2.0 websites such as MySpace, Flickr and CyWorld (the 3D version of MySpace released in the US in August) proves everyone's near-natural desires to express themselves easily. and richer. They want to share normal things that are rarely said to family, friends or anyone who is interested in the same situation.

The online world expands the power of expression and contact. ' There is a big difference in the real world between what we imagine and what we can do, ' says Linden Lab's Rosedale. ' The real world is not malleable, flexible, or easy to change as we desire. Second Life can be changed in just a few years. Each person will have a identity in the 3D world. It could be your own projects, expressing yourself or your personality in Second Life. And you will need more accurate mental description than physical . '

3PointD hologram world

Picture 4 of The virtual network world of the future
World of Warcraft - one of the most popular online games in the world ( Source: PC World ) The similarity of the 3D online world and Web 2.0 is the 3pointD Web space. It is a set of vague technologies that bring new feelings of expression, presence and place on the Internet. E-mail, IM, chat, ElephantIP, video conferencing connect people in different levels of abundance. But no technology is strong enough in the small interactions of the virtual world. Duran Duran's Nick Rhodes finds it interesting to see a group of avatars in Second Life having the same view of what will happen in the near future. It will not happen on the chat channel and is just starting.

In an online game like World of Warcraft, you can see the player brutally killing enemies. You can even stand next to him, help him finish the enemy or fight other players. The online world like Second Life allows you to pursue new levels of observation, collaboration, and interaction. There, you can focus on Kurt Vonnegut's talk or Suznne Vega's live music performance. You and your team can build meeting places to have similar conversations and detect the situation of the expanded virtual collaboration network project. You can collect information about the waiters, how long they spend, souvenirs they buy and write the results on a website when analyzing your success or failure efforts, allowing the audience Use information to organize the network at their own discretion.

Similarly, Web-based tools and online 3D space began to be ready to merge. Second Life users have built online shopping websites and social networks that interact with the virtual world. A group of employees build the interface for Amazon's webstie browser products within Second Life. At Second Life's new branch - American Apparel, you can browse and buy products inside the virtual world in the same way. Social software, shopping websites, various web applications, even search space and wiki space have begun to use 3-dimensional forms to expand the power on the web.

Like many features have been upgraded, the power of 3D connections is also gradually becoming more apparent. With new ways of expressing information, interacting, self-directed and a virtual world around, many new possibilities are opening up to the Internet. The final part is how we will expand these technologies into our physical world.

Recreate the real world in online formations. Those are Google Earth, the Google Maps - 'hidden people', which allows users to find their way to your home, determine the theater location, the time of performances; see real land, share photos, monitor pollution, weather, traffic . When you imagine a massive multi-user version of these applications, you will see the possibility of meaning. of the virtual world. New ways of expressing and manipulating data, collaborating to solve problems, learn and improve the world instantly are also approaching.

Of course the massive multi-person environment is ultimately the earth. It has also become a part of future technology development. Many attendees of the Metaverse Roadmap Summit meeting envision a future in which data objects provide a way to allow users to exploit new information in a visual way. We may use a special pair of glasses or contact lenses to view Internet images in a complete 3D world.

The things described above are just a mobile World Wide Web system. It is a way to collect and access information that changes depending on where you are and who you will contact is real or virtual. It sounds like science fiction. But one day, when physical limits become closer, it will interact with information programs around us. Improvements of the past 15 years show that maybe the new generation will be quite familiar.

Many questions remain and many difficulties still have to be overcome, but nothing is impossible. Millions of people have begun to plunge into the virtual world. Technology experts, security experts and developers must also overcome many new challenges. If developed appropriately, these technologies will give us the ability to control this world more palpably. It's not too early to think about these things anymore. The online world of the future is already there.

Update 25 May 2019


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