Top 10 most popular online selling websites in the world

With the current 4.0 technology era, Online sales is a very popular job and brings a huge source of revenue. In this article, Software Tips will send to you the Top 10 most famous Online Sales Websites in the world.

With the current 4.0 technology era, Online sales is a very popular job and brings a huge source of revenue. In each country, they all have their own Online Sales Websites and have very popular websites around the world that are sought after by many people. In this article, Software Tips will send to you the Top 10 most famous Online Sales Websites in the world.

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1. Amazon


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Amazon was one of the earliest e-commerce platforms developed in the United States. One thing that makes Amazon so popular is that it is one of the Big Four companies (the world's four largest technology companies), it is on par with Google, Apple, and Facebook. Up to now, Amazon has been the most famous in the world in terms of technology, quality, form, . In Vietnam, Amazon has not yet joined, but in the future, Amazon will surely join because Vietnam is also a market. very potential school.

2. eBay


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eBay continues to be an e-commerce platform from the United States, eBay is extremely powerful when owning the most famous Paypal payment platform in the world today. eBay is a little different from the e-commerce media platforms that also support online auctions so buyers can buy cheap products. In 2019, eBay had a deal worth up to $ 4,567,888 (about 105,849,384,000 VND) for the product "Lunch with Warren Buffett - A lunch break with Warren Buffett (Billionaire with total assets up to 85 billion USD) "

3. AliExpress


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AliExpress belongs to Alibaba Group and this is a big sales site in the form of wholesale, bulk instead of retail like other e-commerce sites. Because of that, those who want to have high sales, push goods quickly to pay back the capital, they often turn to AliExpress. Above, the majority of buyers will be the large companies imported goods to sell and redistribute in the market. In recent years, AliExpress has also gradually moved to retail instead of wholesale as before.

4. Taobao


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Taobao is an e-commerce product from China, China is famous for producing the most products and equipment in the world, so Taobao is very strong. If you like a product but don't know where to buy it, then you search on Taobao, everything you need. People often compare that: On Taobao, nothing is unavailable. With the giant Alibaba Group, do not follow, Taobao is growing and expanding. If anyone likes to sell online, they will definitely choose Taobao as the starting place because it has too many users.

5. JD - Jingdong


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JD is the newly changed name, its predecessor is 360buy - an electronic sales platform from China. In China, JD is the only big man that dared to confront the powerful Alibaba Group Taobao and now JD must accept to stand behind Taobao because Taobao invests heavily in advertising and dominates the market quickly with goods. discount code type.

6. Tmall


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Tmall is somewhat similar to Taobao, because it shares a parent company, Alibaba Group. But Tmall is aiming for products that are distributed from mainstream suppliers, sourced, say no to poor quality products. Because of that, Tmall meets the most rigorous needs of shoppers as well as creates a fair playing field for genuine Online shop owners, without cheating.

7. Walmart


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Walmart is an e-commerce platform from the United States, Walmart mainly sells domestically rather than expanding the market to other countries so the number of users is still limited. The Walmart website offers a wide range of services for both buyers and sellers, with startups Walmart is an effective sales channel because it helps them reach more customers.

8. Shopee


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Shopee - an popular e-commerce platform in Vietnam with a series of quality advertising Viral. Shopee belongs to SEA Group based in Singapore but the SEA group who holds the most shares is Tencent - Chinese technology tycoon (known by the names: Garena - game segment, Airpay - e-wallet Shopee, with the advantage of billionaires, helps it quickly attract large numbers of customers from Vietnam.In Vietnam now, wherever you go, you can meet sellers on Shopee, the coverage of Shopee floor is now very large.

9. Lazada


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Lazada is probably the most popular name in Vietnam among e-commerce exchanges. Lazada is part of a German private e-commerce company founded by Rocket Internet. But in 2016, Chinese tycoon Alibaba Group acquired Lazada and is undergoing a positive change. In recent years, Lazada has continuously dominated the Vietnamese market and has been greatly supported by Vietnamese people. Lazada e-commerce platform in Vietnam, it has created a sales playground for hundreds of thousands of different people.

10. Flipkart


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Flipkart is an Online trading site mainly from India, now Flipkart is developing and spreading to different Asian countries. Flipkart is planning to explore the Vietnamese market to prepare to bring this e-commerce platform to Vietnam, but they have not made any announcement, most likely in the future, Flipkart will return to the market. Vietnamese school.

In this article, Software Tips has sent to you the Top 10 most famous Online sales sites in the world today. Have a nice day!

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