21 the biggest regret of each person when looking back on life

None of us want to accept the fact that we will one day leave this world. Here are 21 biggest regrets of every person looking back on life.
  1. 7 life lessons that most of us only recognize when it's too late
  2. 8 life tips to keep in mind to keep you safe
  3. 5 dangerous habits "kill" the dream of life that you should give up immediately

None of us want to accept the fact that we will one day leave this world. In fact, we are all living in the way of " cheating " ourselves that the days of our lives have been " numbered ". Even that sounds crazy but such thoughts will help you get a life without regrets. Here are 21 biggest regrets of every person looking back on life . Please consult and do not let these regrets appear in your life!

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1. Do not fulfill your dreams

Most of us have dreams right from a young age. But when growing up, real life " beat " and " engulfed " the vision of what we really wanted before. Think: There are many, many people in the world trying to make their dreams come true. So why don't you do that? Be one of them.

2. Let the excuses and others ruin their dreams

Do not let yourself make " excuse " words. Excuses or excuses are not the reason. Because the reason is reasonable and firm and the excuses are not. Do not listen to negative words from anyone else. Make your own decisions and follow it.

3. Wait for the "perfect" moment

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" Perfect timing " is a teleportation! It is not a reason to justify those times when you do not act immediately - like waiting to travel the world while you are in debt. In general, the present is all we have, so let's accomplish your goal now. The future ahead of none of us can guarantee.

4. Do not value your own health

This is an error that most of us have. Surely you will never care about your health until you get the flu right? At that time, maybe you just started to think " Why don't I take care of myself when I have good health? ". Therefore, take care of yourself, not only when you are sick.

See also: 5 dangerous habits "killing" the dream of life that you should quit immediately

5. Do not help others

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It will be easy to become selfish but unfortunately, in the world we live in today encourages it. However, think about how your actions will affect others. Surely you will feel very grateful if someone helps you, right? Go out and be ready to help people today.

6. Don't dare to risk

This is a difficult thing for many people. However, risk taking has two types: pre-calculated risks and non-calculated risks . Take the risk with calculated risks. Think about the benefits, things to go through and make informed decisions. Remember: " Adventure can help you succeed ".

7. Don't make your loved ones happy

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This must be many of us may have realized. Loved ones are the most important people in our lives or at least they should be treated well. So be happy and treat them well.

8. Give up before succeeding

We all look forward to becoming famous quickly like Justin Bieber. But the reality is not so easy. Please wait patiently for success. It will definitely come to you.

9. Don't meet people who live actively

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Defeat " Energy Vampires - the vampires that suck energy " in your life! You know who I am talking about. Those who are gulling both physically and mentally, and you don't get anything back from them. Instead of spending time with those people, take the time to talk and learn from positive people who will help you gain the confidence and motivation to try. However, this does not mean that you should alienate the weaker, return to help them.

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10. To live in a hurry, do not value small things

" Busy, busy, busy " seems to be a familiar topic in the world we live in today. Busy is not not good. But don't be too busy without focusing on the important things in life. Like the proverb " stop to smell the roses - stop to enjoy the rose " - meaning don't work too hard, take a break and enjoy life.

11. Do not travel when young and healthy

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If you have money to travel ( or you like to travel ), go and see the world right now! There are many great cultures in the world waiting for you to discover, so go and experience!

12. Worry too much and cherish too little

Robert Downey Jr once said: " Worrying is like praying for what you don't want to happen " - " Anxiety is like you're praying for something you don't want to happen ". So, instead of focusing too much on what you don't have, focus on what you have.

13. Do not plan for the future

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Some of us often live without purpose, just to " take the wind ". Although this may be interesting in some ways, it will not lead you to the goal you have chosen. So find what you want to do and start acting.

See also: Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

14. Do not learn from mistakes

Obviously no one wants to admit that they make mistakes, but you can really learn a lot from them. If not, you will still repeat these mistakes and cannot make your life better.

15. Working too much

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Just like the # 14 thing, if you spend too much time working in the office without spending enough time with your loved ones, someday you may regret this. Even if you love work and love it, don't forget to take a break and spend time with people.

16. Do not take responsibility for your own life

Current life is the result of all the choices you made in the past. So, don't blame others, put yourself in the driver's seat to look to the future. Master your life and your choice.

17. Listen to others' opinions before listening to your own opinions

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Listening to other people's advice is good but sometimes you should listen to your own inner voice and intuition. If you ignore what your heart says, chances are you'll end up regretting it.

18. Do not enjoy childhood with children

Any father or mother will tell you that parenting is not easy. Children can be very annoying and difficult to teach. But time passes very quickly, before you realize this they have become adults and do not live with you anymore. So don't miss anything when your children are still with you.

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19. Don't know who can trust

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This can be a difficult thing for many people. There are too many people who believe in their young years and learn a lot of blood lessons about trust - who can believe and who can't believe it. You should learn this lesson as soon as possible so that the rest of your life will be happier.

20. Don't say what you should have said

Did you not tell someone that you love them? Don't tell them how much you appreciate them? What are you waiting for? Remember that there is no great time equal to the present. Tell them what you are feeling in your heart.

21. Don't do what you should have done

Just like the # 20 thing, just do what you want to make yourself not regret.

Hope this article can help you realize the importance of life. Surely you will not want to someday be in bed, but still have regrets about the past, right? So remember: " No Excuses, No Regrets! " - " No excuses, no regrets ".

See also: Don't ever say "I don't know", try the following 4 ways to prove you're a good communicator

Having fun!

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