The time when flu occurs and how to prevent it

Flu is an acute respiratory infection caused by a virus. This disease is very common and easily spread to other people, especially the elderly and young children.

Flu is an acute respiratory infection caused by a virus. This disease is very common and easily spread to other people, especially the elderly and young children. Usually people usually treat with western medicine or oriental medicine but if not treated properly, it will make the disease worse, causing serious complications.

So, when does flu usually occur, how to treat and prevent it? Let's learn to have more useful knowledge to help protect the health of yourself and your family.

Picture 1 of The time when flu occurs and how to prevent it

When does flu usually occur?

The moment we are susceptible to colds especially when the weather is in the middle of the season, the temperature changes erratically at hot, cold, sunny, rainy times, so the body does not adapt.

That is a favorable condition for the viruses that cause disease to multiply. At that time, the body's immune system weakens, making it easier for viruses to invade and cause illness.

How is flu spread?

The flu-causing virus can live and move in the air so it is highly contagious. Influenza virus is present in the nose and saliva of patients, so the disease can be spread through the following cases:

  1. The patient sneezes, coughs directly into the air causing the virus to spread to the surrounding environment and easily penetrate the respiratory tract of people nearby.
  2. Because we come into contact with objects that contain disease-causing viruses, the patient has just been exposed.

Picture 2 of The time when flu occurs and how to prevent it

Symptoms of the flu

Flu is often mistaken for some other illnesses such as colds, gastroenteritis, so we need to be aware of the symptoms of colds to get the most accurate treatment.

  1. High fever from 38 - 39 degrees C with chills.
  2. The whole body is tired and aching.
  3. Headache, dizziness.
  4. A runny nose, sore throat.
  5. In children, there are more symptoms of throat swelling, earache or diarrhea and vomiting.

Picture 3 of The time when flu occurs and how to prevent it

How to prevent colds

Flu is very contagious so we need to know and take preventive measures to avoid getting sick.

  1. Drink plenty of water, especially warm water.
  2. Gargling with warm salt water not only helps you take care of your teeth but also eliminates the bacteria that cause oral diseases, thus contributing to effective flu prevention.
  3. Wash your hands often with soap: before and after meals, after going to the toilet, before caring for the elderly and young children .
  4. Regularly use foods to help prevent flu such as ginger tea, garlic .
  5. Enhance the immune system and the body's resistance by exercising regularly, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables to provide adequate vitamins B, C, D, E .
  6. Wear a medical mask when leaving the street, in a crowded public place.
  7. Vaccination against the flu especially for young children, people with weak resistance or women who are pregnant.
  1. How to treat flu with garlic effectively does not require medication
  2. How to recognize, prevent and treat flu by natural methods
  3. How to treat colds quickly and effectively
Update 24 May 2019


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