Botulinum poisoning, a dangerous disease that everyone can get if not careful

Botulinum poisoning is a food poisoning caused by ingesting available toxins of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, a bacillus with absolute spores, anaerobic, exists in soil, animal feces, intestines ... Disease often occurs when using stored foods such as cans, chops, pates, hot dogs ...

Botulinum poisoning is a food poisoning caused by ingesting available toxins of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, a bacillus with absolute spores, anaerobic, exists in soil, animal feces, intestines . Disease often occurs when using stored foods such as cans, chops, pates, sausages .

  1. Measures to treat and treat food poisoning at home
  2. Alcohol poisoning: symptoms and treatment

Botulinum poisoning, a dangerous disease that everyone can get if not careful Picture 1Botulinum poisoning, a dangerous disease that everyone can get if not careful Picture 1
Clostridium botulinum bacteria taken under a color microscope.(Photo: Gizmodo.)

Botulinum is classified by the scientists as a group of toxins with strong activity, extremely fast duration. It destroys the central nervous system and causes high mortality.

In crystalline form, Botulinum is white. In solution, it is a colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid.

According to scientists, only 1 gram of Botulinum crystals, whether swallowed or inhaled, can kill about 1 million people. But so far, people have not been able to produce Botulinum crystals due to technical problems.

This toxin will be destroyed at temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes but the stomach of bacteria has a heat-resistant protective cover, which can survive over high temperatures for a long time.

The cause of meat poisoning

The causes of Botulinum poisoning are eating foods that are not properly stored, cooked well, such as canned food, contaminated food or raw vegetables.

Botulinum poisoning, a dangerous disease that everyone can get if not careful Picture 2Botulinum poisoning, a dangerous disease that everyone can get if not careful Picture 2

It can also occur because bacteria enter from a small wound. After entering the bacteria, the bacteria will grow and produce toxins. This is often the case with people who have ever used drugs.

In addition, young children can be poisoned by eating spores in the soil when playing outdoors. After entering the body, spores will grow in the intestine and produce toxins.

Symptoms of poisoning meat?

Botulinum toxin can be tolerated through the stomach and respiratory tract. At the earliest after 2 hours or as late as 8 days after eating unsafe food, symptoms of poisoning will appear.

Botulinum poisoning, a dangerous disease that everyone can get if not careful Picture 3Botulinum poisoning, a dangerous disease that everyone can get if not careful Picture 3

  1. When a new poisoning occurs, the victim will suffer from eye lash, vision loss, blurred vision or dizziness, dry mouth, speaking fluently and difficulty swallowing.
  2. If left untreated, the position of the arms and legs, eventually the whole body will be paralyzed, thereby causing the ability to breathe affected, .
  3. Children with botulism will: stop eating, lethargy, lethargy, weak crying and impaired muscle activities.
  4. Another symptom that may occur in children with botulism is constipation.

Who often gets botulism?

Poisoning no one except everyone, everyone of all ages has the ability. Non-communicable botulism, we can limit the possibility of disease by reducing risk factors.

How to prevent meat poisoning

  1. Be careful in processing and preserving food.
  2. Boil food for at least 10 minutes to kill all toxins.
  3. Many cases of illness have occurred because children eat honey poisoned so parents should be careful when giving children to use honey.
  4. Keeping wounds clean, properly cleaning wounds and not using addictive drugs reduces the risk of botulism related to the wound.
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