The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7

How to use Sticky Notes Win 7 is very simple but not everyone knows. The article below will guide you the simplest way to use it!

How to open Sticky Notes with Windows 7 operating system

To be able to use Sticky Notes win 7 , first you need to know how to open this utility. The operation is very simple. You just need to select Start (or Windows key) and type Sticky Notes to be able to use it.

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 1The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 1

There is also another way to open Sticky Notes on Windows 7. You select the key combination Windows + R. The Run dialog box will appear. You type the keyword Stikynot and press Enter to complete.

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 2The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 2

Once you're done, just right-click the Sticky Notes icon on the taskbar and select Close Window . Your notes will then be closed and saved.

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 3The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 3

Instructions to create shortcut for Sticky notes win 7

However, if you often need to use these 'note lines', opening and closing Sticky Notes frequently is quite time-consuming. Instead, you should create a shortcut for Sticky Notes win 7 for more convenient use.

Step 1: Right-click on Desktop. Click NewShortcut .

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 4The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 4

Step 2: The Create Shortcut window appears. Enter the following path in the search box: C:WindowsSystem32StikyNot.exe . Then click Next .

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 5The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 5

Step 3: Now you will see the Type a name for this shortcut box. You can enter any name or keep the default name. Finally, click Finish to finish.

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 6The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 6

After creating a shortcut for Sticky Notes win 7, when you need to use it, just double-click on its icon on the Desktop.

Create notes with Sticky Note on Windows 7

To create a note, simply open Sticky Notes win 7 as instructed above and enter your note information.

One inconvenience is that you can only compose your notes in Vietnamese without accents. Windows uses the Segoe Print font and does not support changing this default font.

If you want your notes to be displayed in accented Vietnamese, you can do it the following way.

You type the information you want to note into the Microsoft Word text editor. Now you can format the content with any font you want. Then just copy all that content and paste it into Sticky Notes. It will display like the font has been formatted in Word.

You can also easily adjust the color and size of the content on Sticky Notes win 7. If you want to change the background color, just right-click on the content. At this time, it will show other colors, you just need to choose a color you like to use.

Resizing is also easy. Move your mouse to the lower right corner of the Sticky Notes window. Then drag and hold to adjust the size of the content area as desired.

Add: Click the cross icon on the top left (or Ctrl + N).

Delete: Select the X in the upper right. A window will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete the note. Select Yes to delete the note.

How to backup Sticky Notes on windows 7

The Win 7 Sticky Notes backup function can help you create multiple identical notes on multiple computers. You can backup your notes in the following ways:

Step 1: Turn on the function to show hidden files on your computer.

  1. Go to Organize → Select Folder and search options

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 7The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 7

  1. The Folder Options dialog box will now appear. Select the View tab and select Show hidden files , folders and drives . Finally, click OK

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 8The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 8

  1. The hidden AppData folder will appear in a lighter color than normal folders.

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 9The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 9

Step 2: Go to the path: C:UsersUserNameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftSticky NotesStickyNotes.snt

  1. In which: UserName is the current user name. Each computer will have a different name.

Step 3: Copy the StickyNotes.snt file . When you want to use that file on another computer, just copy this file to the same location on that computer to view your notes.

The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 10The Simplest Guide to Using Sticky Notes Win 7 Picture 10

Some shortcuts you need to know in Sticky Notes

To be able to quickly take notes in Sticky Notes win 7, you should use shortcuts when editing. These shortcuts are similar to those in Word and Excel, so they are very convenient. The shortcuts and their uses are as follows:

Ctrl + B: Bold
Ctrl + I: Italic.
Ctrl + U: Underline.
Ctrl + Shift + A: Change from lowercase to uppercase.
Ctrl + L: Align left margin.
Ctrl + R: Align right margin.
Ctrl + E: Center
Ctrl + Shift + > : Increase font size.
Ctrl + Shift + Ctrl + 1 : Single line spacing.
Ctrl + 2 : Double line spacing.
Ctrl + 5 : Align line spacing to 1.5

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