Causes and How to Fix Computer Restarting Continuously

The computer keeps restarting, or hangs after moving for a while. Join Hoang Ha PC to learn how to fix the error of the computer constantly restarting.

If one day when you turn on your computer, it suddenly restarts continuously, or freezes after moving for a while, there is a high possibility that your computer is having a problem related to a virus, or even a software or hardware error,. 

Check if your computer is infected with a virus

This is probably a fairly common cause and many people get this error and it causes the computer to restart continuously.

To prevent this 'disease', you should use anti-virus software that is executed in real time. If you use a paid version, it will be more convenient. Or you can also use free anti-virus software to keep your computer best protected.

How to fix when PC is infected with Virus

If a virus appears while using the software, you need to quickly disconnect the network and scan the entire system (Full scan). If after doing this, you still encounter the problem, the last solution is to Ghost or reinstall Windows. A piece of advice is that you should install anti-virus software to limit this situation.

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Hard drive has Bad Sector error

Because your hard drive is having a bad sector error. So if you are working with a file in the partition with the error, the computer will automatically reset immediately.

How to fix BadSector error

If you already have a USB BOOT, you can access mini windows to check errors more easily. But if you don't have one or it's not convenient to access, you can check directly on windows as follows:

Method 1: Select Computer, then select the drive. 

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  1. Go to the Tools Tab and click check to check the hard drive .

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Method 2: Follow these steps:

Step 1: Press the Windows + R key combination to open the Run window . Then, enter the keyword CMD and press OK to open the Command Prompt window .

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Step 2: In the Command Prompt window , type the command WMIC and press Enter. Then type the command diskdrive get status and press Enter . If you see the OK line , it means the hard drive is working properly. If not, your hard drive is having problems and needs to be checked for errors.

After checking and seeing that the hard drive is still working properly, move on to the steps to check the computer hardware.

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Computer keeps restarting due to video card error

Causes of Graphics Card Errors

The video card is an important part of the computer. The driver is the software that exploits and manages the hardware of this device. Therefore, when the driver is faulty, the video card will not work properly, leading to the above error.

In addition, if you want to play games or use graphic design software, the graphics card can easily be overloaded. This will cause the computer to restart or even suddenly shut down.

The fastest way to fix it

Method 1: Automatic update using Update Driver

Step 1: First, press the Windows + X key combination and then select Device Manager .

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Step 2: In the next interface, click on Display adapter , then right-click on the NVIDIA graphics card and select Update Driver .

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Step 3: Switch to the next window interface, the user continues to click on Search Automatically for drivers . Wait for the system to automatically download and update the new version for the NVIDIA graphics card driver.

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Method 2: Download from the manufacturer's website

Check if you have installed the correct video card for your VGA card model on Windows. If not, you should upgrade the VGA driver to the latest version. The advice here is to find the correct driver on the manufacturer's website.

- Always update the driver to the latest version; (You can download the Driver at: )

- Limit the use of high-end graphics applications for long periods of time to minimize negative effects on the graphics card and other hardware devices.

Because the CMOS battery is dead

Cmos battery is also one of the causes of computer restarting continuously.

How to fix 

Try checking the Cmos battery by removing it from the device, licking it lightly with your tongue. If it feels a little numb and bitter, it means there is still power. If not, you have to replace the battery, the price is only 10k/battery. In addition, you should also increase the contact of the battery with the motherboard by scraping off the rust at the contact point between the Cmos battery and the motherboard.

Laptop battery error

For laptops, battery errors always account for 80% of the time when automatic restart occurs. The reason for this situation is that when used for a long time, the battery often becomes worn out and 'aged' and is not as stable as before.

How to fix

To determine exactly whether it is due to the battery or not, you need to do the following:

+ Remove the battery from the Laptop.

+ Use a power source connected directly from the Adapter to see if this problem occurs again. If not, the error is determined to be due to the battery and you need to buy a new battery for the device.

Computer keeps restarting due to overheating of the case


Because the heat sink is no longer working well. The computer has a self-protection mechanism. When it gets too hot, it automatically turns off to avoid danger. To recognize this sign, you just need to touch the bottom of the computer. You will recognize it immediately, because you can feel it with your hand. This happens because: the computer has been used for a long time and is covered with dust. Gradually, it makes the computer's ventilation and heat sink work less effectively.

This is one of the most dangerous causes that can damage computer hardware and cause problems for your chip.

How to fix

- Disassemble the machine to check and clean the fan.

- Apply more thermal paste to the chip. If you are not familiar with this, you should bring your laptop to the store to clean the machine and apply thermal paste.

- Invest in a mini fan to keep your computer case cool.

- Placing the computer in a cool place will help reduce the temperature and increase the lifespan of important components in the computer.

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