The secret to developing children's speaking skills

8 tips to contribute to the development of children's ability to express language

Don't wait until your baby can walk to start teaching her to talk. By doing so, you have missed a whole year of accumulating vocabulary. Also, if your child is often stressed, don't expect him to be able to express his language well. Here are 8 tips to help develop children's language skills.

Picture 1 of The secret to developing children's speaking skills
The secret to developing children's speaking skills


Let's talk to children more

You may have thought that babies didn't understand what you said. The latest scientific works have refuted that. In fact, your baby can already sense your loving gestures and affectionate words from the time you are in the womb. Talk to your baby more, even if they don't really understand the meaning of the words. This is the process by which children accumulate their vocabulary.

With your 3-year-old, talk to your child about TV shows or about any movies he's seen. Accordingly, children can tell you about scenes or characters in the movie. Help children imagine and act if they play the characters. Does the movie remind your child of a story he has read or heard before?


Read books to children a lot

Similar to the method mentioned above, right from the time of conception, you should also read to your child poems, passages, folk songs and proverbs. You can also sing or recite poems to your baby by listening to them. his own normal voice, no music needed.

For older children, read them funny comics, let them cut and collect stories they like. You can also read to your child age-related items in the newspaper or television, peer-to-peer activities, commercials for toys and clothing for children's age. Read to your baby a lot, from the time he doesn't understand anything until he laughs when he understands it.


Relieve Stress and Cure Children's Stuttering

Children 3 to 5 years old often have stuttering. The cause is stress. Parents can cure this disorder by teaching their children how to deal with or relieve stressful situations. Only when the baby really has a sense of peace, the stuttering will also naturally be overcome. 

From a very early age, if a mother has the ability to feel delicate, she will recognize things that please her child. At birth and in the early years, parents can also recognize what makes their children love - hate - rejoice or fear. Keep those important feelings in mind. When you notice your baby showing signs of stress, anxiety or fear, find ways to help her relieve it. If your child is often stressed, do not expect him to be able to express his language well.


Teach children correct new words

Children begin to learn to speak at the age of 10 months. At this time children are interested in the words you say related to the object they like. You need to teach children the exact names of things that they like such as pillows, pens, books, . You should not use the word mam to replace the word eat , do not use woof  to refer to the dog. Teach children the correct names of things according to science.

From 18 months, children begin to pay attention to the interests of the speaker. This is a transition period that is completely different from the way children learn new words compared to the previous period. From where children love to ask for  new words will move on to listening  to what you mention. At this stage, children also begin to know how to react  when you name an object that is different from what they  already know .

For older children, it is necessary to teach them both synonyms and antonyms, different names for an object or phenomenon. Open a dictionary and choose a word that your child already knows, read the definition to him and see if he can guess what it is.


Practice reading more for children

Experts have confirmed that speaking skills have a causal relationship with reading skills. Therefore, in order for children to develop the ability to express language in a subtle way, they must first help them to read well. It is also important to help children distinguish between grammatical reading and reading comprehension.

When children can read, it is necessary to help them read the words on signs/panoes, street names, especially the words in TV shows, movies with subtitles.


Notes on exercise training for children

You might be surprised by this. Why does movement have an impact on people's ability to express language? Scientific studies have concluded that right-handed people will speak more fluently than left-handed people. The activities of the right hand will affect the left hemisphere of the brain - also known as the dominant language hemisphere . Therefore, in order for your child to have good speaking skills, practice playing and using his right hand more. 

On the other hand, children will not be able to develop the ability to speak steadily when their health is poor. You need to give your child more exercise. Pay attention to games that prolong the breath such as playing u, . and promote uniform movement of both arms and legs.


Note the nutrition for children

The diverse and reasonable absorption of nutrients is very good for the development of the brain, body, and the ability to remember and express words.

In this group, you should avoid giving your child anything that is too hot, too cold or too spicy. Tobacco is very harmful to the lungs and vocal system of children.


Some exercises to enhance children's expressive ability

You can help your child speak more fluently by applying exercises that  range from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, which require timely correction of word errors or inappropriate style. Let your child play the game Introduce yourself, your group of friends or your family . Let's turn everyday communication words like thank you, sorry, hello, wish, . into children's natural speaking reflexes. Also ask your child to retell a summary of an event, movie or story he has seen and the lessons learned from those stories. Help your child demonstrate his or her speaking ability to a growing audience. Sometimes you should also let your child stand on a high platform when singing or babbling  for the whole family to enjoy. Some children showed great interest when reviewing the Video Clips of which they were the main artists  .

Please pay attention to do all of the above, each baby's vocabulary explosion  can happen quickly or slowly, sometimes overnight, but sometimes inching step by step . You only really need the help of doctors or experts, when your child is about to enter grade 1 and has not yet formed and stabilized his ability to express his language.

Update 08 May 2023


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