The number of users infected with ransomware increased 7 times

According to the latest warning from Kaspersky Lab security firm, the number of users attacked by ransomware increased 7 times compared to 2019.

According to a warning from Kaspersky Lab security firm, the number of users attacked by malicious code is used to blackmail prominent targets, such as corporations, government agencies and government agencies. large market, medical organizations . increased by 767% compared to 2019.

Picture 1 of The number of users infected with ransomware increased 7 times

The two groups of ransomware with the most famous targets in this period are called Maze, Ragnar Locker. They not only encrypt but also steal the data, then threaten to make the confidential data public if the victim does not pay the ransom.

WannaCry is still the most common group of ransomware. The malware targets tens of thousands of users and typically only requires victims to pay a relatively small amount of money to retrieve data.

This Trojan ransomware first appeared in 2017 and caused at least $ 4 billion in damage in 150 countries. In 2019, WannaCry accounted for 22% of the total cases of users being attacked with ransomware; this number will decrease to 16% by 2020.

Security expert at Kaspersky, warns, the primary target will likely continue to be large companies and organizations, meaning ransomware attacks will continue to become sophisticated and disruptive. higher necrosis. Businesses need to adopt comprehensive security measures to protect their data.

As recommended, businesses and organizations should set up a defense strategy, focus on detecting the movement of traffic in the network and uploading data to the Internet; special attention should be paid to outgoing traffic to detect cybercriminal connections; check network security and fix any weaknesses detected in the periphery or inside the network, equipment; Software updates on all devices the organization uses to prevent ransomware from exploiting and exploiting security vulnerabilities.

Update 04 May 2021


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