The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

In addition to the great-sounding products, changing the world, there are also many technological devices that have received failures that should be forgotten in the past decade.

Over the past decade, the technology industry has achieved remarkable achievements. But besides the big buzz products, change the world, there are also many technology equipment to receive failures, worthy of being forgotten in the past decade.

3D TV and curved screen (2010)

After the movie Avatar, many predict that 3D TV and curved screen technology will become a new trend.

Picture 1 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

However, both technologies fail because they are unsuitable for user needs and costly.

Sony Tablet P (2011)

Picture 2 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

In 2011, Sony came up with the idea of ​​a folding smartphone with a Tablet P with a 2-screen design for more open space. However, Sony Tablet P failure has failed due to poor optimization software and unresponsive hardware.

Nintendo Wii U (2012)

Picture 3 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

Nintendo Wii U game console is specially designed with 6.2 inch touch screen, quite thick and heavy so you can not play games with the handle when going out. The confusing design of the Wii U makes it struggle to pursue the glorious past of the previous Wii version.

Nexus Q (2012)

Picture 4 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

This is Google's wireless music streaming product. It only supports Google services and is priced at $ 300, too expensive for what it offers. As a result, it has been retired since its release.

Microsoft Surface RT (2012)

Picture 5 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

Microsoft Surface RT with the disaster operating system Windows RT caused Microsoft to go through dark days. The reason why this tablet failed was that the CPU was slow, the Type Cover keyboard was criticized, unable to install traditional Windows applications.

Google Glass (2013)

Picture 6 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

A product with many interesting features such as receiving notifications from the phone, filming, navigating . But due to privacy concerns and the price is too high 1,500 USD, this product was not well received by users.

Mac Pro (2013)

Picture 7 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

Old Mac Pro with a nice design of the trash can, but because it could not upgrade most of the internal components, made it mocked by the online community and difficult to sell.

Amazon Fire Phone (2014)

Picture 8 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

CEO Jeff Bezos has reserved the words "cool" and "luxury" for his Fire Phone smartphone. But because of the strange design with a series of cameras in the front and an unwieldy operating system, the product was not well received.

12-inch Apple MacBook (2015)

Picture 9 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

Beautiful screen, super thin and light design, Apple MacBook 12 inch is considered the perfect upgrade of MacBook Air. But due to the weak configuration, the "butterfly" keyboard is easy to break, expensive, making this device into the top of failed products of the decade.

Samsung Gear VR (2015)

Picture 10 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

Since 2015, Samsung has created a VR headset that can be used as a phone for a display, but due to poor support, the Samsung Gear VR is not competitive.

Samsung Galaxy Note7 (2016)

Picture 11 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

This is a high-end smartphone, beautiful design, powerful configuration, incorporating many modern technologies but due to the situation of battery fire, Samsung had to decide to kill this product.

Apple HomePod (2018)

Picture 12 of The most forgettable technology products in the last decade

Having good sound quality and being appreciated by many, but due to Siri is not "smart" and expensive price makes HomePod become a forgotten product of Apple.

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