The Importance of Having Your Business Digitally Supported

The modern business environment has changed. You can no longer have a viable long-term business without a sophisticated web presence. 

The brick and mortar only model of business has been failing for years. With recent changes in public health, this has never been more true than before. That's why it's time to start taking the digital aspects of business very seriously.

The world of web services is becoming increasingly complex. There are new technologies and new hurdles to overcome every day. Even if you are a computer whiz, you'll need to dedicate your professional life to it, or you won't be able to compete with those that are working tirelessly to rip you off


Picture 1 of The Importance of Having Your Business Digitally Supported


Modern Businesses Rely On Digital Sales

More than ever before, digital sales are the primary source of income for most businesses. Even if a business website doesn't directly make sales, it's probably the primary point of contact with customers. Websites drive traffic because everybody goes online first. It's the yellow pages of the modern world.

Hiring network professionals can optimize your online presence in many different ways. They can tweak your SEO and make you show up more frequently on Google. They can connect your business to popular review blogs to drive up sales. Furthermore, they can even guest write on blogs.

All of this means a bigger presence online and more opportunities to reach new customers. All the competition is surely expanding online. Businesses can't afford to sit on their hands and maintain the traditional business model. It simply is no longer sufficient to take a significant portion of the market. 


Uptime Should Be Your Primary Concern

Being online is the essential component of any business website. Uptime is the name of the game. If a customer clicks your link and your site is down, they'll probably never click your site again. Plus you'll start ranking low if it's down for long. The team over at Onestop IT specializes in keeping sites up and running 24/7. Only with a network support team can you achieve a 99% uptime rating. 

Nothing is more devastating for an online website than downtime. It's actually a confusing experience for the user. They start to wonder about all kinds of things. Is it just a crash? Did they forget to renew their domain or web host? Did they get hacked?

If you provide a service, your customers might become very irate. They are paying for a service they need on demand. They pay a monthly fee and your site is down now that they need it. 


A Data Breach Could Devastate Sales

Nothing is more embarrassing for a business than needing to make a press release to tell the world you lost your customer's payment information. Even worse, to a malicious hacking organization keen to steal the identities of your customers. 

Companies that have experienced data breaches don't recover. They lost the trust of their customers and their customers immediately took their business elsewhere. If the competition does a reasonably good job of providing the service, it's likely the customer will never look back.

Picture 2 of The Importance of Having Your Business Digitally Supported

Customers are hard enough to obtain and keep in the first place without making enemies out of them because some unscrupulous hacker had your company in their sights. 

That's where security comes into play. The online environment is not what it used to be. And business leaders, regardless of how small, can't focus on their business while trying to keep up with full-time cyber criminals. 

It takes a specialist to beat a specialist. Only a dedicated team of white hat security professionals can guarantee the safety of your system.


The Risk Demands A Specialist

The stakes are high. A higher and higher percentage of sales is coming from online points of contact. The consequences of a data breach or downtime are detrimental to businesses as a consequence. 

One person can only wear so many hats. And a competent IT administrator needs to wear their hat full time. Anything less is simply not adequate. Especially since so much is on the line. 

DIY network administration is no longer enough. And neither is hiring your neighbor's cousin. Only with a full time professional support service can you sleep at night knowing that your site will be up, secure, and doing business 24/7.

Update 19 November 2020


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