Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today
In recent times, the trend of working at home has become increasingly popular. Working days with fixed hours of 8 hours x 5 days a week, daily going to the company in the morning and returning home in the late afternoon has gradually disappeared into the past. With advanced technology and changing economic trends, freelance ( freelance ) has become more popular than ever.
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 1
Do not misunderstand that working from home is a part-time job synonymous with a small salary. Because you can earn an income no less than what you have to do in the company if you have certain skills and abilities.
Here are the top 10 most income-generating home jobs today. Working even when sitting at home and still receiving " terrible " income, lying on the sofa and having more time for family is no longer a chance story of buying lottery tickets, then looking forward to winning the detox more.
1. Compile
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 2
Average salary: USD 132,000
The job of a freelance translator is to translate documents from one language to another. This is the perfect job to be able to do at home using the media to exchange information. Translation is a simple task and you can do it right at home.
At first, you may take time to edit your translation several times. But if you have the capacity, you will be able to translate words in other languages and convey the spirit of the work in its original form.
Besides, this work also comes with challenges not small. Because this job sounds pretty monotonous but requires you to have time management skills to succeed in this job.
2. Voice actors
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 3
Average salary: USD 75,000
Voice actors are people who use their voices to voice and oversee characters for different purposes. You can get voice acting for reading stories, cartoons, games, websites, videos, etc.
Voiceover is an interesting and well-paid job. However, you also need to meet some of the employer's conditions and "practice" your voice.
Voiceover is like acting. You may have difficulty finding this job because media companies often only look for special voices that changing your voice is not easy at all.
3. Expert statistical analysis
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 4
Average salary: USD 69,000
As a statistical analyst, you will have to analyze quantitative data and build statistical models for research issues. Maintaining a database and ensuring data rationality is also required in almost all cases.
Statistical analysis is a huge array, you should focus only on specific types of data in certain areas, especially in marketing, health, economics and technology, for example.
This job requires employees to be trained professionally and often recruitment companies require you to be graduates from regular colleges and universities. In addition, in most other cases, you also need to have a certificate of statistical probability training.
4. Design graphic information
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 5
Average salary: USD 76,000
Graphic information design (Infographics) is becoming more and more popular, using visual images to simulate data and information. Today, no one seems to have enough time to sit through all the articles or read each article carefully.
Therefore, the demand for graphic information is increasing and the job of designing graphic information is a worthy profession here. However, you also need to make good use of data visualization tools and be very careful, only use the correct data.
If you are really gifted in designing graphic information that appeals to people, then you can just make a decent living at work at home.
5. Software engineer
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 6
Average salary: USD 94,000
The demand for software engineers is increasing, opening up many opportunities for developing free software engineers on the market today.
Most businesses want their own websites and applications. Therefore, the demand for software applications on computers today and in the future for software engineers is very bright.
If you yourself have enough skills and experience in the industry, even if you don't have a university degree, you can still succeed in this area.
6. Travel agent
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 7
Average salary: USD 56,000
The job as a travel agent at home is also very interesting. In fact, you don't need to go to many places if you want to succeed in this career. However, you need to have certain insights about travel.
The Internet has brought a lot of changes to the traditional tourism industry. Even the most complicated tours can be arranged quickly with just one click on the computer.
The travel agency's job is to provide information to potential customers, access traffic to customers' websites and arrange trips for guests.
7. Financial management
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 8
Average salary: USD 103,000
Financial management is a very well-paid job that can work at home. With the needs of this job, you will be responsible for providing appropriate financial information support to your customers, helping them make appropriate business choice decisions.
Customers are usually financial companies, retail agents, charities, universities and businesses in general. Because these companies do not need to hire a long-term financial manager, they will often prioritize the choice of free financial managers.
However, to get this job, you need formal training and a degree from professional schools.
8. Writer
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 9
Average salary: USD 52,000
Currently, there is a lot of freelance writing . You can write books to print or write articles for online media. With the development of the internet as today, online writing career opportunities are very wide open.
Writing covers many areas, from health, education , career counseling to sports, music and politics. If you have the ability to write, you will always find topics that you find yourself interested in writing.
This job is also paid quite generous and even, you do not need to be trained professionally through universities to do it. You just need to show your abilities, with some sample works and write a good application letter, you can get this job already.
9. Graphic design
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 10
Average salary: USD 52,000
The demand for free graphic design is also increasing. This is the ideal home-based job for those who want to do creative and creative work.
Graphic design is often sought by corporations, advertising and media agencies, press agencies, retailers and website pages. You can quickly reach a customer, then get more customers in a short time.
This is also a great career opportunity without the need for formal training. Your creative ideas can show all and if customers like your work, you have already earned this job. It's simple, right?
10. Making cartoons
Top 10 most income-generating home jobs today Picture 11
Average salary: USD 69,000
Producing freelance cartoons is a pretty light job to do, at least for those who really love cartoons and animations, they won't consider it a profession.
You will need expensive animation software resources, as well as genuine computer hardware that can produce animation effects quickly. However, once the customer has started, this initial investment will help you earn a much bigger revenue.
Making cartoons is a difficult job, you often have to work with a certain group. However, it is not easy to find a team doing the same job.
All above average salaries are taken from page.
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