The first 10 WiMax products meet the standard

The WiMax Forum claims the first 10 mobile WiMax products to meet the standard for 2.5GHz frequency. Certification for the 3.5GHz frequency product will be carried out at the end of 2008.

The WiMax Forum claims the first 10 mobile WiMax products to meet the standard for 2.5GHz frequency. Certification for the 3.5GHz frequency product will be carried out at the end of 2008.

' With the tireless support of the members, WiMax Forum has made a promise to ensure WiMax network operators get standard products and equipment needed to provide mobile Internet services that people Expected use, 'said Ron Resnick, president of WiMax Forum.

Alvarion, Motorola, Samsung and Sequans are awarded certificates for the 2.5GHz WiMax base station (base station 2.5GHz). Airspan, Beceem, Intel, Samsung, Sequans and ZyXEL are awarded certificates for WiMax modem devices for users of 2.5 GHz (2.5GHz terminal).

WiMax Forum certified products are tested to support mobile features through rigorous testing of compatibility between different manufacturers' devices, and support capabilities. Standard MIMO smart antenna.

The WiMax Forum estimates that more than 100 mobile WiMax products will be certified by the end of 2008 and by 2011 there will be more than 1,000 certified products. The WiMax Forum plans to prepare laboratories around the world for product testing, currently Chinese, Korean, Spanish, American and two Taiwanese labs are ready to receive them. products. The WiMax Forum plans to open two more laboratories by the end of 2008 in India and Japan and another one in Brazil in 2009.

The WiMax Forum also announced that it will start accepting applications for the 3.5GHz frequency device in the third quarter of 2008 and will start testing in the fourth quarter, completing the certification of these products at the end. this year.

Picture 1 of The first 10 WiMax products meet the standard

802.16e mobile WiMax network

' We are setting industry standards by managing certification in a way that has never been done before, ' said Ron Resnick, president of the WiMax Forum.

' To ensure that technology devices can work together for all network operators and consumers, the WiMax Forum supports the certification process from device research and development to measurement test equipment, finally product certification. The WiMax Forum is the only organization that certifies WiMax base stations, which is the key to ensuring interoperability between devices and the quality of service of user devices with WiMax network devices . '

The 3.5GHz band includes validation and certification for 3 profiles, based on bandwidths of 5.7 and 10 MHz. The WiMax Forum also plans to speed up the construction of infrastructure for certification for the 2.3GHz band (including channel widths of 5 and 10 MHz).

WiMax Forum's forecast for the number of users by 2012 will be more than 133 million, and about 70% of these users will use portable and mobile WiMax devices to access Internet services. broadband.

Certification for standard WiMax products confirms the leading position of mobile WiMax technology over competing LTE (Long-Term Evolution) technology for 3G. LTE has not yet been standardized, but this did not prevent NXP chip maker from announcing last week that the company would have LTE modem compatible devices ready for compatibility testing in the first half of next year.

The 2.5GHz WiMax product can be used in Clearwire and Sprint's WiMax network in the US.

Update 25 May 2019


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