What will happen if the Earth stops spinning?

Our Earth is always spinning around the Sun and at the equator, the rotation speed is up to 1,609km / h. But why don't we feel that the Earth is spinning at such a dizzying speed? If Earth stops spinning, what will happen?

Our Earth is always spinning around the Sun and at the equator, the rotation speed is up to 1,609km / h. In just one turn, the Earth moved up to 940km / h.

But why don't we feel that the Earth is rotating at such a dizzying speed?

The cause is very simple, we and everything on this planet is spinning at the same speed. This is similar to when you are on a plane flying in the sky with a certain speed and altitude. At that time, you can travel on the plane but do not feel its movement. To feel the movement of the plane, you have to look out at the clouds outside the window.

What will happen if the Earth stops spinning? Picture 1What will happen if the Earth stops spinning? Picture 1

The only way for us to feel the movement of the Earth is the slap in the face. However, the entire Earth atmosphere also moves with our speed, which is quite difficult.

If Earth stops spinning, what will happen?

The Earth turns to the East itself and of course all of these things are turned in that direction. If the Earth suddenly stops spinning, everything that is not fixed to the ground will be swept to the East at a speed of over 1,600km / h.

Because the atmosphere is also stopped following the Earth, creating devastating winds like an atomic bomb explosion, accompanied by huge tsunamis that can sink more than 27km of land in less than one minute.

What will happen if the Earth stops spinning? Picture 2What will happen if the Earth stops spinning? Picture 2

If the Earth stopped spinning, it would have a perfect sphere because the equator bulge due to the centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation would be flattened. The ocean will shift toward the two poles because it has the greatest gravitational force, then on Earth there are only two super oceans and one continent in the middle.

One day on Earth will not only be 24 hours as before but it lasts for 365 days. In it, 6 months is hot as scorching, the remaining 6 months sink in cold. The sun will rise in the west and dive in the east.

The Earth is no longer protected from toxic cosmic rays because of its weakening magnetic field. At that time, life had almost no chance to exist on Earth.

The scenario when the Earth stopped spinning was extremely terrible, but according to scientists, this possibility will not happen in the next few billion years.

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