The effect of spirulina on health and beauty

With high nutritional content, spirulina is considered one of the most wonderful foods for health and beauty.

Spirulina is known as a great nutritious food for health and beauty. So where does this algae come from? How does it work? The answer will be in our following sharing.

Bảng của Contents

  1. What is algae?
  2. Effect of spirulina with health and beauty

What is algae?

Spirulina (Spirulina Platensis) is a micro-green, twisted strand of algae. In 1960, a French scientist Clement happened to discover this algae when he arrived at Lake Chad in Central Africa. She realized that, although eating only cakes made of spirulina, the people here were still healthy and tall.

Many later studies have confirmed the excellent use of spirulina with health. Accordingly, in Spirulina contains 50-70% of protein content and many essential nutrients for the body such as iron, manganese, magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, carotene, Folix acid, vitamins A and B , E, K, amino acids lysine, threonine, unsaturated fatty acids, carbonhydrate (about 16.5%), . Prestigious organizations such as WHO, FDA have recognized spirulina as food to protect good health most of the 21st century and one of the best protein sources.

Picture 1 of The effect of spirulina on health and beauty

Spirulina Platensis under a microscope

Effect of spirulina with health and beauty

With high nutrient content, spirulina brings health and beauty many effects such as:

  1. Prevent anemia, nutritional supplements for children who lack breast milk and anorexia children
  2. Eliminate free radicals, slow down the aging process of cells, help the body stay longer
  3. Preventing and treating calcium-deficiency bone diseases
  4. Risk of cancer, HIV / AIDS
  5. Anti-malnutrition in young children, the elderly and patients after surgery
  6. Beautify the skin, keep skin smooth, pink and pink
  7. Support treatment of hepatitis, liver failure, high blood cholesterol levels, dermatitis, diabetes, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, cataract, visual impairment, hair loss, .
  8. Enhance resistance and flexibility in movement
  9. Balancing nutrition, regulating endogenous substances, hormones, improving physiological function
  10. Stimulates bone marrow cells, restores blood function, reduces blood fat and blood pressure

Picture 2 of The effect of spirulina on health and beauty

Spirulina is used to beautify the skin

Hope our article is useful to you. Visit for advice and order quality Japanese spirulina products.

Update 24 May 2019


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