Technology firms increasingly employ many workers without technical and technological skills

Currently, without graduating from engineering, young workers can still join technology companies.

Glassdoor, the tool and website for job search and evaluation recently released a report showing that technology companies are not only recruiting technology positions but also increasingly embracing people who are not in this specialization. Currently, without graduating from engineering, young workers can still join technology companies.

The report points out that just over half of the vacancies in technology businesses open on Glassdoor (57% of the 71,000 open jobs) are for technology roles, 43%. The rest is for non-technology positions. Technology firms are increasingly developing and diversifying their recruitment, not just recruiting software engineers and data scientists.

Picture 1 of Technology firms increasingly employ many workers without technical and technological skills

Photo: Reuters.

Some of the non-technical positions that technology companies are looking for are project managers, managers, account managers (contact staff, business consulting and customer care), sales and marketing. .

Currently, technology companies have the highest rate of recruitment of technology staff compared to the highest non-technical staff, including Intel, Microsoft, Walmart eCommerce and Amazon. Meanwhile, IBM, Workday, Salesforce and Verizon have higher rates of recruiting non-technical employees.

See more:

  1. Standing up for a job plaque, the homeless guy received an invitation from Google and hundreds of other companies
  2. Explore the virtual island, the workplace of 8,000 employees in a company, without geographical restrictions when recruiting
  3. Invite download Profile template Curriculum vitae, application, . professionally from Microsoft
  4. 49 most asked questions that Apple asked in the job interview
Update 24 May 2019


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