Russia owns a new rocket that is 6 times faster

Russia has built a new super ballistic missile called Zircon, which is 6 times faster than the sound, the fastest firing speed in the world and cannot intercept.

Russia has built a new super ballistic missile called Zircon, which is 6 times faster than the sound, the fastest firing speed in the world and cannot intercept.

This supersonic rocket reaches speeds of 7,400 km / h thanks to jet engines, the missile's range is 800 km, capable of destroying warships within minutes.

Picture 1 of Russia owns a new rocket that is 6 times faster

Artwork of Zircon rocket.(Photo: DailyMail)

The Zircon program was launched in the 1980s but was later interrupted and only recently resumed when Russia attempted to strengthen its defense potential.

This year, Russia began testing Zircon missiles and by 2022, they could be equipped with cruisers powered by nuclear power.

According to intelligence sources, the Zircon rocket is programmed by a computer in the middle of the flight and dodging incoming missiles. It is possible that this supersonic missile will be equipped with nuclear warheads that cause maximum damage.

Russia can use Zircon to attack aerial targets, on land and at sea.

  1. Russia successfully built a quantum engine, speed of 1,000 km / sec
Update 24 May 2019


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