Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7

In the following article, we will present some basic steps to remove the folder Lock icon in Windows 7. Whenever locking any folder, the system will appear a lock icon outside the folder. That, whether you can access it or not.

In the following article, we will present some basic steps to remove the folder Lock icon in Windows 7. Whenever locking any folder, the system will appear a lock icon outside the folder. That, whether you can access it or not.

Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 1Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 1

First, right-click the folder with the lock icon and select Properties :

Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 2Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 2

Next, select the Security> Edit tab, the Permissions window appears, select Add :

Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 3Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 3

Type authenticated users in the empty box and click OK:

Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 4Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 4

The Authenticated Users information line will appear in the Security list, click OK twice to apply changes and close the window:

Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 5Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 5

And the Lock icon will disappear from that folder:

Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 6Remove the folder's Lock icon in Windows 7 Picture 6

If you are worried about this, you can change it at the Permissions settings page, uncheck the check box & read . Good luck!

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