- Select Windows Server Backup Snap - in and click the Add button
- At Computer Chooser screen, select Another Computer and enter the name of the remote server to be managed
- Click Finish and repeat steps 3 - 4 for each subsequent server to add
- When done, click OK and all servers will display in the list below
- Choose File> Save as , set the appropriate name and save the newly created MMC component
And each time you open the MMC, the entire server has been added to the list. You just need to browse each MMC to check the corresponding status of each server
If you own a Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS) operating system version 2008 or 2011, it is possible to automate the backup management process with a fairly effective feature. Specifically, Windows Server Backup is part of SBS management solution, the rate of success of Exchange 2010 in SBS 2011 environment is highly appreciated for small and medium enterprises. The corresponding reports are created and sent via email daily or weekly, making it easy for system administrators to follow the whole situation of the backup process:
Detailed Network Report gives users an overall view of the backup status in Small Business Server system
Many SBS servers can be set up to send emails to the same address, either in automatic or non-automatic modes, with fixed-time reports . all of which have a positive effect. extreme to the success of the process.
Did you know that the Windows 2008 server system has built-in management capabilities at the primary level? In fact, these are tasks based on the events that users create corresponding to each action on the system in 1 or more log files in Windows. Windows Backup events are stored in a Microsoft - Windows - Backup component. To perform this process, follow the specific steps below:
- Open Event Viewer> Applications and Services Logs> Microsoft> Windows> Backup
- Select the correct event of the backup process that was successful before the source is Microsoft - Windows - Backup and Event ID: 4
- Right-click on the event and select Attach Task to This Event
- Select Send an Email and follow the instructions
- Use the address list to send email
- Observe the process of sending this message via mailbox
On the other hand, a strange feature of Microsoft is that it has never released Systems Center Operations Manager (SCOM) management package for Windows Backup . Perhaps Microsoft wants customers to use System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) to manage the backup process on multiple servers. And currently, there is a DPM 2010 MP package to fully confirm the backup status for all protected server models in the form of DPM.
And similarly, users need to confirm the MP - Management Pack when creating the status of Windows Server Backup on different servers. A common recommendation by experts at this step is to use the SCOM confirmation command to combine the new MP section after successfully creating new objects in SCOM corresponding to each server using Windows Server Backup.
A fairly simple technique used in SCOM is to create a new object to define and initialize components based on a specific Registry key. For example, when daily backups are scheduled, lock Tree in the Registry of the TaskCache section to be edited by adding some Windows Backup key keys. And to check on which computers have enabled Windows Backup , check the existence of the following Registry key:
SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheTreeMicrosoftWindowsBackupMicrosoft-Windows-WindowsBackup
After that, we can see the number of components and remote control tasks to monitor the entire backup process. A useful process here can be a missed event and not encounter any warning within 24 hours. You can observe similar events similar to Microsoft - Windows - Backup Event ID: 4 by described above:
The process of confirming the SCOM management package to create a tracking table for backup processes
often between different serve
Good luck!