Raspberry Pi 4: All information about the product and launch date

This is the latest information about the next Raspberry Pi 4 product of Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi in 2018 has launched a lot of new products, but the product that makes users expect the most is still the micro computer Pi. Its president, Eben Upton , shared with the user an interview with Tomsharedware technology site. Readers can follow below this article.

1. Official name

Picture 1 of Raspberry Pi 4: All information about the product and launch date

The official name of the next Pi computer product will be called the Raspberry Pi 4, the company's product naming is not the same as the product names of big companies like Microsoft, Apple or other technology corporations.

2. Upgrade

Currently the Raspberry Pi series uses only LPDDR2 RAM and is 1GB in size, the ARM Cortex-A53 4-GHz CPU and the old USB 2.0 processor. Raspberry Pi 4 may be upgraded to 2GB or 4GB of RAM, along with a USB 3.1 port to connect with many new accessories.

In addition, the network connection port of Pi products is using dual-band Wifi 802.11ac and Bluetooth 4.2, the Ethernet port only has a speed of 300Mb / s because of using USB 2 interface, the possibility is to be upgraded. level.

Picture 2 of Raspberry Pi 4: All information about the product and launch date

Another thing is to upgrade the CPU process. In three generations of Pi computers, the CPU used has a 40nm process but has been using larger cores to increase performance.

According to Eben Upton , the company has not decided on which process to upgrade the CPU to, but the high possibility is to upgrade to 28nm, but if it is reduced to 7nm it is not feasible because according to him, it is difficult to have CPU. Which 7nm meets the 3.3-volt I / O ports on Raspberry Pi, but also says that with small processors it will cost a lot of money to develop them to meet the input and output ports. 3v3. So the official product will have CPU with progress from 28nm to 7nm.

3. Size

Although the Pi product line is small in size and can be carried easily, users still care about this issue. Pi 4 is expected to be no bigger than the current Pi 3B + product. The company's CEO also shared that the standard size for the new product line is ATM card, and probably won't change because there is no need to add any I / O slots in the near future.

Picture 3 of Raspberry Pi 4: All information about the product and launch date

In addition, he said that it is not necessary to make these ports smaller or equal to the size of the Zero line, because if you do so, you will have to remove important ports. Zero series currently has microSD card slot, 2 USB and mini HDMI ports, camera port and 1 hole 40 GPIO.

4. Price

The price of Pi series is not too high since its launch in 2012, never exceeding US $ 35. And with the Raspberry 4 series, Eben Upton also said he will not change this price on the new product line, he said:

"Compared to now, $ 35 has been devalued compared to the past, maybe $ 35 in 2012 will be worth $ 38 at the present time. But inflation is still not high and miraculous when properties Our products still keep the original price ".

5. Can use USB Type-C to supply power

Eben Upton is also considering using the USB Type-C port on Pi 4 to charge, because the connection port is capable of powering and transferring data much more efficiently than the existing USB Type-B port. now on. However, he still feels that its durability is not really impressive.

Picture 4 of Raspberry Pi 4: All information about the product and launch date

Upton also said that with Type-C standard, the source will be 3 amps compared to 2.5 amps on the Micro USB port of Pi 3. With this source, Pi 4 can supply external accessories, along with a home appliance The design must also find ways to dissipate heat more efficiently.

The connector pins in Type-C USB are not really durable so if operating in harsh environments, it is very likely that sand dust will fall into the connecting legs and cause the circuit to touch at the high source pins. and data transmission pins.

6. Release date

According to the CEO, "We know what features these products have and what time it takes to realize them. But one thing is for sure, the launch date of the product has not been fixed, and not. in this year".

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