Probiotic beneficial intestinal bacteria can help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms

Scientists at the University of Florida have discovered that the use and supplement of probiotic beneficial intestinal bacteria that may help reduce allergy symptoms are receiving medical attention. .

Scientists from the University of Florida have discovered that the use and supplement of probiotic beneficial intestinal bacteria that may help reduce allergy symptoms are receiving medical attention. .

' Not all probiotics are able to treat allergies, however, the probiotic beneficial intestinal bacteria group has done this ' - Researcher Jennifer Dennis, a graduate student at Florida University of Food Science said in a press release.

Picture 1 of Probiotic beneficial intestinal bacteria can help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms

The team pointed out that the combination of beneficial intestinal bacteria belongs to the probiotic group, namely, two lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which can help the body resist some allergy symptoms. 

Picture 2 of Probiotic beneficial intestinal bacteria can help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms

The combination of the two lactobacilli and bifidobacteria bacteria was previously known to maintain the digestive and immune system health, not only that, the new finding shows that these two bacteria combine with the bacteria Other probiotic benefits may increase the number of T cells - researchers believe it can improve tolerance, the body's response to allergy symptoms by seasonal fever.

To reach this conclusion, the team analyzed DNA from stool samples of 173 adults with seasonal fever allergies. Participants were divided into two groups and given the food containing many beneficial gut bacteria belonging to the probiotic group and the rest were placebo.

Picture 3 of Probiotic beneficial intestinal bacteria can help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms

Following continuous studies for eight weeks, the study results showed that the group using food containing many beneficial intestinal bacteria belonging to the probiotic group was found to have fewer symptoms of seasonal fever, especially is inflammation and nasal allergy rather than placebo group.

Update 24 May 2019


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