What other viruses are bacteria? Why antibiotics cannot treat viral illness?

Both viruses and bacteria can make us sick, but they are very different creatures.

Both viruses and bacteria can make us sick, but they are very different creatures. The following article will help you understand this difference so that you can offer appropriate treatment.

Basic differences in size, origin and harm to the human body

Virus is the smallest and simplest life form, can only parasitize intracellular. They invade the host cell, alter the genetic material of the host cell, causing them to stop working and the virus to replicate themselves. Viruses are 10 to 100 times smaller than bacteria.

Bacteria are unicellular organisms, they live both inside and outside of other cells. Bacteria that do not need host cells can survive.

What other viruses are bacteria? Why antibiotics cannot treat viral illness? Picture 1What other viruses are bacteria? Why antibiotics cannot treat viral illness? Picture 1

Antibiotics can kill most bacteria, except those resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotics cannot kill viruses.

Viruses and bacteria both cause disease. While the virus usually causes a systemic infection, the bacteria usually cause a localized infection in one or several locations on the body.

The difference in reproduction

Viruses usually contain only information - DNA or RNA, which floats until they encounter a suitable living host to multiply. Meanwhile, most bacteria can grow on non-living surfaces and often reproduce asexually.

Vaccines and antibiotics

Both vaccines and antibiotics can be used to prevent and kill bacteria.

However, antibiotics cannot kill viruses because they do not die (have the characteristics of life, have genetic material, evolved through natural selection, self-replication) but also do not live (without structure). cells or metabolize themselves, need host cells to reproduce).

Basically viruses are not living things, because they're basically dormant. Inside them there is no biological process from metabolism of nutrients to production or excretion of waste .

When the virus appears, it will be destroyed by the immune system if it is identified as an intruder before it can contact a cell. If not destroyed, the infection process will begin.

At that time, the virus only works by RNA or DNA so it is very difficult to be recognized. Using antibiotics will also kill the host cell.

Therefore, to destroy viruses, people use antiviral drugs, rather than antibiotics. Vaccination is the best way to prevent viruses.

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