One light year is equal to how many kilometers, how many years of earth

1 year in the morning can be converted into kilometers. So how to convert, please read and follow the article below to see the results.

Surely one of us once heard about the unit of light years. This is a commonly used unit when it comes to the distance between stars or planets in the universe.

So 1 year in the morning can also be converted to km. So how to convert, please read and follow the article below to see the results.

The light year is most commonly used when representing distances to stars or to larger distances within the galaxy, especially for the masses and in popular scientific publications. The unit of measurement commonly used in astronomical measurements is parsec (symbol: pc, equal to about 3.26 light years; this is the distance that when viewed by an astronomical unit under an angle opened with a bow) .

Picture 1 of One light year is equal to how many kilometers, how many years of earth

Light is something that goes very fast, its speed is 300,000 km / s if we can't know it in the naked eye.

The unit of 1 second of light is the distance the light can travel for 1 second, and the light year is the distance the light can travel for 1 year.

According to the convention, a light year will be calculated as follows:

- 1 second of light = distance in 1 second x number of seconds in 1 year

- 1 year = 31.556.26 seconds

So that,

- 1 light year is 9,460,528,400,000 km (9.5 trillion km), ie 5,878,499,810,000 miles.

A second of light is the distance that light travels in a second - that is, 7.5 times the distance of the equator Earth. And a Light Year is the distance that light can travel in a year, how far is it? Take the number of distances in a second multiplied by 31.556.926 - that is, the number of seconds in a year, resulting in 9.4605284 × 10 powers of 12 kilometers, or about 9.5 trillion kilometers.

The light year is a common unit of measurement outside the vast and vast universe. Because of the word 'year', it is often mistaken to think that this is a time measurement unit. However, this is the distance measurement unit. A light-year is the distance a ray of light travels in a vacuum for a year. This is a good question to be asked in television programs that make people confused.

Above, we have shared information about 1 light year, how many kilometers, how many years of earth, hope you have useful information and knowledge.

Update 21 June 2019


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