New research shows: Testosterone hormones boost confidence in men

A new study shows that men with high levels of Testosterone can be more confident, easily reflect faster through intuitive, extremely good judgment.

A new study shows that men with high levels of Testosterone can be more confident, easily reflect faster through intuitive, extremely good judgment.

To get the above conclusion, researchers from Wharton School, Western University and ZRT Laboratory have given men a placebo dose of one type of placebo and then applied through tests. Reflection, awareness.

The results showed that the male subjects who received Testosterone actually tended to answer faster, more sensitive than the placebo group, who answered less than 20% of the test questions correctly.

Picture 1 of New research shows: Testosterone hormones boost confidence in men

The researchers said: 'What we saw in this study was that the Testosterone group was more inclined to judge faster, more confidently when faced with brain test questions compared to the placebo group. pharmacy. That is an interesting finding. In this study, Testosterone is related to men's mental health and visual sense. This is what I believe is right . '

They also added: 'We think it exerts a manifest effect through increased confidence, with extremely flexible responses' . If you are more confident, you will definitely react faster and will limit the wrong answers and decisions.

Picture 2 of New research shows: Testosterone hormones boost confidence in men

To carry out the study, the scientists tested on 243 randomly selected men exposed to a dose of real Testosterone hormone and placebo and cognitive and reflex tests.

Including a math test to test confidence, judgment as well as how to adapt basic math skills. There are also a number of cases where men exposed to Testosterone produced false results, however, the speed of the results was much faster than the placebo group.

In summary, the results of this study show the strong and clear impact of Testosterone hormones with cognition as well as human decisions. And this may be an important factor to increase the strength of men in affirming the social status that the confidence factor is the most important. This research has just been published in the Journal of Psychological Science.

Update 24 May 2019


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