New blood tests help detect 8 types of cancer early

This new test, called CancerSEEK, blends two techniques to screen for ovarian, liver, stomach, pancreatic, esophageal, colon, lung and breast cancers. Five of the currently examined cancers do not have conventional screening methods.

A new blood test designed to detect eight common cancers is positively positive in initial trials.

Developed by a team at the Kimmel Johns Hopkins Cancer Center, this test tracks two different types of biomarkers that can signal the presence of this death.

Picture 1 of New blood tests help detect 8 types of cancer early

Research developing a simple blood test can detect cancer that is growing slowly. Finding specific biological indicators, scientists concluded that the presence of cancer was a challenge, but some recent breakthroughs have given scientists new hope.

Purdue University researchers last year revealed a promising study focused on a variety of proteins that could lead to the presence of cancer effectively, while the Johns Hopkins team succeeded in The development of a method that can identify mutated DNA in a blood sample is a sign of early stage of cancer.

This new test, called CancerSEEK, blends two techniques to screen for ovarian, liver, stomach, pancreatic, esophageal, colon, lung and breast cancers. Five of the currently examined cancers do not have conventional screening methods.

"The combination of selected biological formulas for early detection of cancer can change the way we screen for cancer and based on the same reasoning to use a combination of cancer drugs. ", senior author of new research, says Nickolas Papadopoulos.

The test consists of a table that focuses on 8 proteins and 16 gene segments. Targeting specificity is very important, because false positive results can cause unnecessary difficulties for patients. In the recently published study, the test only returned 7 false positive results when applied to 812 objects tested. This is equivalent to a 99% specific rate.

The trial was also tested on 1,005 patients diagnosed with cancer at different stages.
On average, the trial successfully found 70% of cancer, in which some cancers were selected more effectively. Breast cancer has the least success rate, only 33%, but ovarian cancer is more successful than expected at a rate of up to 98%.

The widespread adoption of this test is still several years away, but the team is currently conducting a large-scale study with more than 10,000 healthy subjects.

The study is published in the journal Science.

See more:

  1. US science discovered: Blood tests can predict life expectancy
  2. Blood tests can reduce the risk of liver damage from paracetamol overdose
  3. A simple blood test can predict the return of skin cancer
Update 24 May 2019


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