To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods
Cancer is a dangerous disease that can lead to the highest risk of human death in the world. Cancer affects people regardless of nation, race or religion.
Old grandparents often have the phrase "prevention is better than cure" so we need to pay special attention to the health of ourselves and everyone in your family. In order to protect health and prevent the growing types of cancer today, besides healthy lifestyles, we also need to provide the body with vitamin-rich foods and prevent diseases. Cancer of evil monsters.
1. Prevent cancer with garlic
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 1
Garlic is a daily, familiar spice in our lives. Garlic is not only known for the prevention of flu, but it also helps prevent and slow the development of the disease. In garlic contains powerful antioxidants, capable of reducing inflammation as well as reducing the damage caused by free radicals. The active active ingredient is allicin. So in the dish, add more garlic to increase the taste of the dish. Besides, if you can eat raw garlic, it's even more amazing.
2. Anti-cancer effect of broccoli
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 2
Broccoli is a familiar dish for us. In broccoli, which contains a lot of vitamin C, is good for the body, not only broccoli is also thought to be a superfood to help prevent cancer very effectively, so this is the dish that experts have. Nutrition recommends supplementing daily with meals. In order to retain the vitamins and substances in broccoli we should make them into soups, salads and especially boiled.
3. Lemon and berries
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 3
According to researchers, eating fruits such as lemons and berries like raspberries, blueberries, cranberries and avocados not only enhances the amount of vitamin C needed for the body but also can prevent and destroy cancer cells such as throat cancer, stomach cancer.
4. Prevent cancer effectively by artichoke
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 4
In artichokes, there are more silymarin oxidants than other fruits and vegetables that help the body increase its endurance and capillary strength, making it more flexible and elastic, promoting immune system activity. , anti-cancer especially skin cancer.
5. Eat fish reasonably to prevent cancer
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Fish is a very good food, rich in nutrients especially the amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which are often polyunsaturated so it works to strengthen the immune system, inhibit the process of tumor formation. Blood cancer, myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Other studies show that omega-3 fatty acids in salmon also reduce the risk of endometrial cancer in women. While it's good for the body, we should also provide enough for the body, experts recommend eating fish 2-3 times per week only.
6. Control and fight cancer with kiwi
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 6
Kiwi is a fruit not only rich in vitamin C, fiber . But kiwi also contains flavonoids and carotenoids (antioxidant compounds). These are considered important compounds in protecting DNA from being damaged by oxidation, thus preventing the development of cancer.
7. Onion leaves prevent cancer
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 7
Just like garlic, green onions are a familiar spice in our lives. In green onion contains many vitamins and minerals, especially Flavonoid and pectin, which inhibit the activity of cancer cells. Scientists have found that eating green onions can reduce the risk of cancers of the palate and throat, 84% of the risk of esophageal cancer, 83% of the risk of laryngeal cancer and 25% The risk of breast cancer, 73% of the risk of ovarian cancer, 73% of the risk of prostate cancer and 38% of the risk of kidney cancer cancer compared with people who do not eat or eat very little onions. With so many benefits there is no reason that you should not increase green onions for meals for the family.
8. Prevent cancer with pickles
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 8
Most of us think that pickles are a fermented food that is harmful to our health. But in fact not all types of pickles are harmful, there are some types of melons that can help us fight cancer cells by beneficial fermentation substances such as ITCs, indoles and sulforaphane. So to reduce the amount of sodium that is not healthy, you should wash it through boiling water and let it cool before eating.
9. The prevention of cancer of apples
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 9
Eating apples daily not only helps women reduce fat but it also reduces the risk of cancers like bowel cancer, breast cancer . In apples containing substances that help prevent cancer diseases letters like antioxidants, high levels of flavonols and especially researchers believe that Oligosacharides in apple meat are more effective at preventing cancer than chemotherapy drugs.
10. Prevent cancer with avocado
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 10
Avocado is a nutritious fruit, not only used to beautify skin for women, good for the digestive system, but butter also has a very good use in cancer treatment. Butter contains active chemical compounds that benefit the cancer patient, not only in the butter contains a beta carotene fat complex, which is a highly antioxidant substance, which is very beneficial in treatment support. cancer.
11. Healing effects of sprouts
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 11
According to studies, it is shown that sprouts are a vegetable that contains high levels of amino acids, vitamins (B, C, E, A .), the fiber needed for the body. Besides, sprouts add a large amount of sulforaphane to the body, which is believed to be one of the best compounds to fight cancer.
12. Great effects of cabbage
- Eating lots of cabbage is probably not as good as we usually think
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 12
Cabbage contains bioflavonoids and many other plant nutrients, helping to inhibit tumor growth and protect cells from free radicals. Not only cabbage, but also other vegetables that help reduce breast cancer risk in women by up to 45%. Many other nutrients in cabbage also help promote the body's metabolism like estrogen, which helps protect the uterine and ovarian cancers.
13. Effective anti-cancer carrots
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 13
Carrots are a well-known food because they are rich in vitamin A, which is good for the eyes, not only vitamins but also the rich fiber and antioxidants in carrots are good for women 's health and beauty. .
Carrots contain alpha carotene cartenoid, beta - carotene and antioxidants. Recent studies published in Antioxidant Miracle suggest that alpha carotene is a substance that has a greater ability to prevent cancer than beta-carotene.
14. Chicken eggs help reduce the risk of cancer
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 14
Egg is a nutritious food especially egg yolk is rich in vitamin D. To protect your health and prevent cancer, increase your intake of eggs every morning to fit Women who are able to reduce fat, have both been able to fight against cancer, especially breast cancer.
15. Ginger effectively supports cancer patients
To prevent cancer, increase the use of these foods Picture 15
Ginger is a very good food, has the effect of preventing inflammation, colds especially cancer prevention. Ginger contains a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent some cancers.
Besides these foods, some other foods such as mushrooms, fresh grapes and raisins, peas and pomegranates also have great effects in preventing and treating dangerous cancers in the future. live now. So protect your health and life.
Wish you all the best!
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