5 false taboos when caring for people with cancer
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Many people with cancer often have excessive care and abstinence that makes the body unable to resist to fight this dangerous disease.
According to experts from Parkway Cancer Center, Singapore, we need to have the right understanding of diet and scientific diet for cancer patients to fight the disease. Most cancer patients often look up forum pages or friends, relatives tell about foods to abstain from or should supplement with which foods. These sources of information are sometimes contradictory and confusing, difficult to understand or completely without a scientific basis.
Doctors summarize 5 common misconceptions about the diet of cancer patients as follows:
1. Do not eat sugar
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Carbohydrates are one of the body's essential sources of energy, which is also an energy source to maintain our brains.
Carbohydrates are often present in some familiar foods that we use every day such as fruits, dairy products, rice, noodles, biscuits, legumes, starchy vegetables like potatoes , corn, tapioca and most sweet drinks and desserts.
Therefore, health experts believe that for cancer patients do not necessarily abstain from sugar completely. However, sugar consumption should not be too large because sugar does not provide nutritional value but only a large amount of calories. When you consume excessive amounts of sugar that will make your blood sugar rise faster, the pancreas will make insulin to convert the pathway to the excess insulin syndrome in the blood, or when the body produces too much insulin also causes Inflammatory reactions, increase the risk of cancer.
2. Do not use repair and dairy products
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Recombinant growth hormone cow (rbGH) is a synthetic cow hormone that is injected into dairy cows so that they grow faster and produce more milk. This hormone is not harmful, but many are concerned they may increase the levels of chemicals in the body and lead to cancer.
So far there is no evidence to support this statement, but many countries such as Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the European Union have banned the use of rbGH. Meanwhile, the US Food and Drug Administration still endorsed the use of rbGH within the biological limit of no human body. Oncologists also do not advise patients to completely give up cow's milk and dairy products.
3. Eat honey instead of sugar
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Honey is a very good food for the body. Nutritional ingredients of honey include fat, sodium, magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium water and many amino acids, other minerals. Using honey instead of sugar will bring more benefits, limiting diabetes and cardiovascular disease and slowing down the aging process. Although there are many uses for health, but not all people can use honey, children under 1 year old should not use honey because it can cause pimples, breathlessness poisoning, danger to life. Patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy or during stem cell transplantation that use honey will not be safe. Because most types of honey on the market are unpasteurized, when used, it can cause allergies or infections for patients. If you want to use it, you can also use honey to sterilize, but the disadvantages of these products do not retain the nutrients during the sterilization process.
4. Do not eat red meat
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Red meats are good sources of nutrients such as iron, zinc and vitamin B12. These nutrients are essential for the body during red blood cell formation and hemoglobin. So, to make sure your body is getting enough nutrients you can use 1-2 times a week for the best. While that's good, you should also be careful not to use them too often, because it increases your risk of coronary artery disease and cancer.
5. Breast cancer patients abstain from eating soy
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Many people when sick often worry and do not use soy products, they said, this food is not good for their disease. This is completely wrong. According to experts' research, soy contains Isoflavones, or phyto-estrogen, which is a very good plant nutrient, acting as estrogen in the human body. Experts also believe that Phyto-estrogen in soybeans does not cause a negative reaction to breast cancer patients. So doctors still recommend cancer patients should eat soy and soy products.
Hopefully with these useful information, you will know how to care for the very good cancer patients, help them to be healthy enough to fight the disease.
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