Mobile Technology and Streaming

Ten years ago, many people would have scoffed if you had said how advanced mobile technology would have been today.

However, we have undoubtedly come a long way, thanks to the leading manufacturers and the likes of Apple and Google, who have driven the tech improvements that have led us to where we are now.

Back in the day, Sony insisted they wanted to build mobile handsets that were a one-stop-shop. And by that, they meant that a smartphone was the ideal choice for doing everything on the same device – taking pictures, surfing the web, listening to music and gaming.

Picture 1 of Mobile Technology and Streaming

Fast forward to the present day, and that's precisely what we have thanks to the technological advancements made in the mobile arena. The growth of mobile gaming has been the most significant, as more people choose to game on their smartphones than on console, PC or handheld gaming device than ever before. Mobile games have never been so popular, and this isn't about to change anytime soon.

You can point to many things where mobile gaming and its rise to the fore is concerned. Yes, there have been significant improvements in terms of processors, RAM, and display quality. And, yes, all of this matters. But, what perhaps overshadows all of this, especially now, is the introduction of 5G.

While there are some excellent mobile games out there that are ideal for single players, most will now require an internet connection. And then you have the games that are open world, or multiplayer, that rely on a fast and reliable link to the net, such as Among Us and Fortnite.

Yes, every smartphone these days can connect to Wi-Fi, which is a massive boost. But, the great thing about smartphones has always been that you can take them anywhere with you. And when you're out and about, you're naturally relying on mobile data, which in most cases is 5G.

It's fast, rivalling some home broadband speeds, and you can rely on it. Naturally, therefore, mobile gaming on the go is fantastic. There are also rumours that 6G is in development, which could prove to be the ultimate game-changer.

It's not just gaming where connectivity technology such as 5G has had a significant impact. We live in an era where streaming is booming. It's bigger than ever. And it happens in many guises. Many people stream onto social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok. It wouldn't be possible to go out and about without 5G and a smartphone's ability to work with it.

Streaming movies and TV shows via platforms such as Netflix, music from Spotify and videos over YouTube have never been so good, either. You can watch in the highest quality imaginable, and there is generally never any buffering or lag. Mobile technology has undoubtedly come a long way, but it feels like this is only the start of the journey.

Update 22 November 2021


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